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Humanity's origin story is encapsulated in a world far from ours. It is a world akin to the one we sometimes drift to in our dreams. A place where the line that separates reality from ideals doesn't exist.

We're often reminded of this world when contemplating the greatness that humans were so very clearly meant for. Traces of this potential manifest in our abilities to perceive and appreciate beauty, to create, to love, and to sacrifice (even our lives) for a noble cause.

But something went wrong. There's a fingerprint of a dark force that tainted our world.

We hate, we lie, we steal, and we even destroy.

Rumors of a future restoration have been passed down over the millennia, but many have lost hope. And why wouldn't they? We can't rewrite history. Nor can we take back any of the atrocities that have been committed on our watch. We all carry the sense of some cosmic debt to be paid. And yet, the rumors persist.

Before we can attempt to decipher our future, we first need to understand our past. And that is where this story begins: a time when time was not.

It came as a vision, I dare say. However, the bones underneath come from a Book far greater than this one. Prior to the creation of time and space - at least as we know it - there reigned a great and powerful King. His Kingdom was magical and marvelous, his riches unending and his strength unparalleled. All of his subjects worshiped and adored his excellence, all but one.

A charismatic member of the King's elite guard had rapidly risen up the ranks in those times. He was charming and skilled in ways that remain unprecedented even to this day. Having proven himself by his merit, he secured a great deal of wealth and privileges. But the Rider also had an insatiable appetite for power and glory. Pride soon found its way into his heart and filled it to the brim with greed and vanity. Before long, he started influencing and corrupting those under his command, for he was a great orator and possessed the power to entice with his speech all who would listen.

His popularity reached a boiling point when growing suspicions unraveled a plot to usurp the King's throne. Within the elite guard, a full-scale rebellion spearheaded by the mutinous Diabolus formerly known by a different name - was set in motion.

The Riders Rebellion, as it has become known, marked a dark period in Euangelion history. Legion fought legion, general fought general - brother fought brother.

The Rebellion didn't last long, however. It was ultimately crushed by the coalition force made up of the King's loyalists. Their defense was led by the finest and fiercest warrior in all the Realms, the beautiful Prince Salvatore.

Half of Diabolus' legion was all but destroyed and the remaining half was gravely wounded and weakened.

After the battle, the King banished all of the treacherous rebels along with their malicious leader to the desolate Isle of Stridor in the forsaken Realm of Nullius Terram.

Their new land was harsh and unforgiving, so much so that it would begin to alter the residents' physical forms after prolonged exposure. Here the disgraced former Riders, all stripped of title and honor, were to spend their days awaiting their final judgment to be determined by Lady Justitia, the Keeper of the Scale of Justice.


The Kingdom of Euangelion had prospered like never before after all those with faltering hearts and spirits were rooted out. All of its magical inhabitants lived in harmonious bliss under the just rule of their Great Sovereign. He was known for his strength of character and loving-kindness, but out of all whom the King loved, he loved no one more than his only son and heir.

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