Chapter 11: Sage

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Angelo held open the curtain that covered the entrance to the tent. After entering single-file, the five volunteers found themselves in what looked like a snug little lounge. Though they all managed to stand up straight, they had to take care to duck and mind their heads when they moved around in order to explore all of the artifacts and scrolls that were displayed – rather scattered - on several shelves.

There were also rock collections, terrariums, ancient-looking encyclopedia-sized books, shiny and oddly shaped objects that seemed foreign from both Earth and Euangelion perspectives, and finally, a little desk tucked away in a dimly-lit corner with an inkpot and quill alongside mounds of documents that were filled from corner to corner on both sides of the sheets with runic markings resembling those that Aurelia had found in the Prophecy.

"What a slob," Alexis assessed.

"Perhaps, but remarkable -," Aurelia was in a trans as she floated between the shelves.

Rufus and Dominic were physically examining the rock collection and Phoebus was fixating on a vivid painting over a spot that looked like a reading corner. The landscapes in the painting were shades of orange, brown, and black. The sun shone red and mountains were noticeable only by their silhouettes. Swimming in the warm colors were distinguishable characters, it seemed like a spectacle was playing out in a valley: a bunch of creatures resembling what Phoebus thought Turpis could look like encircling someone who was without a doubt a Rider (he was wearing their signature armor and his depiction had a faint golden glow). Could it be an execution?

"Don't touch that!" an outlandish voice echoed from behind. The volume was deceiving as it came from a very tiny source.

A hunched little person with long gray hair dragging on the ground entered the tent. He must have been Sage.

Not really sure who the order was directed at, everybody stepped away from what they were examining and moved closer to him as he waddled toward his desk. The dumpy figure's eyes vibrated and his voice, for lack of a better description, grazed one's inner ear like a feline's tongue.

"Why, you're a- a- a Magi!" Aurelia rarely stuttered or stared, but this seemed to be a justifiable occasion. Her eyes were gleaming.

"His kind inhabits the Euangelion mainland trees," she began explaining to the other recruits, "they study matter and magic, a select few were even sanctioned by King Dominus himself to specialize in dark magic - the kind that spreads through Diabolus' virus causing human fatalities and powers the Ferox-generating volcanoes," she stopped only to catch her breath -

"Brilliant and fascinating creatures. The Magi were specifically chosen for this auspicious task because of their, er -," she paused for a moment, "eccentric inclinations," her smile indicated that she was pleased with her choice of words.

"It gives them immunity against power and control; knowledge is all they ever truly desire," she concluded her brief lecture in their host's direction -

"What I would give to know the things that you must have already forgotten..."

"Forgotten! Sage never forgets." the little figure squawked again.

"I meant no disrespect sir," Aurelia tried to save the compliment, "what I meant to say is that I, I wish I had but a fragment of your knowledge."

Suddenly Angelo's head appeared "Oh good, you're here." He could barely fit his shoulders through the entrance without slanting the whole tent, but somehow he managed to get inside. He couldn't stand up so he had to hunch over until he found a spot to sit down.

A short silence prevailed, until -

"These are the best you can do?" Sage croaked as he sized the volunteers up (the irony wasn't lost on them).

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