Chapter 7: A Dead Ringer for Fate

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"You have my leave to retire to your chamber," Lord Castus excused Alexis in a detached voice. If their conversation had confirmed anything to her it was that she didn't belong on Sanctum after all.

As she made her way down the staircase she felt a pressure building in her chest and pushing up her throat. Her pearly brown eyes were lined with a glossy layer of tears. She admirably fought against her biological makeup to prevent the droplets that threatened to form; she didn't cry often but she knew that once she relented she wouldn't be able to constrain the emotion that was about to come oozing out of her. The struggle was valiant but futile, long streaks of traitor tears started rolling down her cheeks, forcing her to wipe her face when she bumped into Aurelia.

"Alex! I just heard-, wait. You're crying. What's wrong?"

Alexis pushed her aside and hurried toward her House. She sped through the red flames with Aurelia short on her tail.

When Alexis finally reached her chambers she dove for her bed, buried her face in a pillow, and finally unleashed complete sobs.

"I can't believe I said that," Alexis repeated to herself and to Aurelia who was sitting beside her friend. With much pressing and decoding, Aurelia finally managed to extract the chain of events through Alexis' bawls.

"You're right, you really should not have said that. But you're wrong when you say you don't belong here. And no, Lord Castus does not hate you, Alex," she tried to comfort her.

"You didn't see his face," her words were barely intelligible.

"It's understandable that he was upset, but he doesn't hate you. Just go and apologize after you've composed yourself."

"You don't get it, do you?" Alexis sat up straight, "It's a mistake, Aurelia. I cannot be a prodigy because I'm not even fit to be a recruit. I'm going home after final Orientation."

"Alex, you are not thinking straight. This is your home. You can't leave."

"Oh yes I can," she dove with her head back into her pillow.

"I cannot reason with you in this state. Just sleep it off okay? I'll check on you before supper."

Alexis muttered something into her pillow but it was too muffled to make out. Aurelia departed from her with an affectionate rub on the back. The hysteria soon subsided as she fell asleep on her wet pillow.


The sound of something clanging on the ground paired with a firm grip shaking her arm jarred her awake. Phoebus slowly came into focus on the same side of her bed where the noise came from. He had dropped a sword on the floor.

"Come. Sparring time."

"I'm not sparring today. Or ever again," she turned her head.

"Oh no, you're not giving me any of that. You nagged me for days to commit to this - if I had to commit, so do you!"

Alexis didn't respond.

"I'll drag you out of here by your feet if I have to," he walked to the end of the bed awaiting a reaction. Alexis sensed his position. Knowing that not only could he do it, but that he would, she decided that if she had to accompany him involuntarily, it would be on her feet with a bit of dignity.

The two marched quietly toward their usual sparring spot down in the valley underneath the castle bridge.

"I suppose we can train up top now. If Gerald protests, you could just spear him again," Phoebus tried to lighten the mood. He glanced over, noticed her unchanged demeanor, and sighed.

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