Chapter 14: In the Heat of the Day

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A blistering heat had settled over Nullius Terram around midday. The red sun wasn't to blame, but rather the thermal waves rippling from Mount Timor's direction. Whenever it stopped spewing smoke and fumes, the area was as cold as one could expect a deserted wasteland without a yellow sun to warm the land to be (just like it had been when the party first arrived).

From a quick observation, it seemed as if the volcanic operations were only conducted during the day. Did they need the red sun? Was it connected somehow?

The task ahead was looming large over the volunteers. Lord Castus had promised that he would see all of them again. Could he have miscalculated? Supposedly nothing bad would happen if they just stuck to the plan; at least that's what they told themselves.

But Alexis had definitely become more suspicious of Phoebus' motivations after suffering through Angelo's pep talk from hell.

"It would be quite funny if they lost two prodigies in one swoop," she tendered.

All of the volunteers looked at her over their cups of cold tea. They were seated in a circle in the courtyard of the fort.

"What?" Phoebus took the bait.

"No seriously. What do you think they would do? All that fuss about trust, and destiny, and then just..."

"Oh stop it, will you?"

"No, I don't think I will."

Everyone quietly observed as Phoebus and Alexis were both locked in a tension-filled staredown that seemed to last forever, until -

"Were you forced to sign up? Was your arm pulled by one of those invisible forces that are always so determined to 'get you' ?" Phoebus snapped.

Whether it was embarrassment, anger, or a combination of both, Alexis' face seemed to be burning red.

"I signed up because neither me, Aurelia, or Rufus were going to let you do anything stupid by yourself. What did you think was going to happen? If we're here because of anybody, it's because of you."

Aurelia was visibly uncomfortable but Rufus and Dominic's heads kept swerving back and forth in the direction of the speaker.

"Of course, Alex. Everything is always someone else's fault."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you always need to be able to blame someone else for every inconvenience you encounter. You simply can't take ownership of anything. You haven't so far, have you?"

Her eyes doubled in size, and he wasn't even finished.

"In case you haven't been paying attention, let me spell it out for you: THIS IS A WAR."

No one expected such an extraordinary display of emotion from Phoebus who rarely raised his voice. And a good thing too, because this side of him was a bit intimidating.

He didn't like the situation any more than Alexis did. Less even, because he knew so much more. Castus had entrusted a heavy burden on Phoebus' shoulders, and the further they got from Sanctum, the heavier it seemed to get.

Alexis opened her mouth to respond but before she could say anything, Angelo's voice thundered from behind.

"That's enough!" It was enigmatic how he could say something so loudly and yet so calmly at the same time. Everyone looked up at him as he appeared in one of the doorways; everyone except Phoebus and Alexis who were still scowling at each other.

"Go walk it off. Both of you," he commanded. Phoebus slowly got up and turned around, combing - rather harshly - his fingers through his black hair. He headed toward his chamber and wavingly gestured to Rufus that he should remain seated when he saw him aiming to stand up.

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