Chapter 2: The Isle of Sanctum

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Dangling over Draco's mouth and hearing nothing but Angelo's sinister laugh provoked Alexis to cry out "No!" as she woke herself up.

"She wakes," the Rider was fiddling with his saddlebag again.

"Here, breakfast. Don't eat too much though, we're flying soon." It was that delicious bread again. Alexis ignored his petition and inhaled the whole piece.

As Angelo positioned himself onto Draco, a reluctant Alexis moved closer. The Rider picked her up with one hand and placed her in front of him on the griffon. Angelo directed Draco by his mane and Alexis grabbed onto a few hairs just below. Or was it feathers?

Her heart was pounding like a drum. The creature gave a few steps backward and then started running until a final sprint shot them from the hilltop. Alexis dove forward to conceal her eyes as the enormous wings were putting more and more distance between them and the ground. Once they had reached the desired altitude, Draco anchored his wings and began to soar. There was nothing but endless valleys leading to the dazzling water in front of them.

At this point, Alexis slowly picked up her head and took notice of the exquisite scenery below while slowly but surely embracing the fact that she was flying over it. She didn't exactly have the luxury of Draco's 'good side' on her initial voyage, nor was she in the right frame of mind to appreciate the view then. Alexis pushed her body back and steadily began to lift her arms to fully experience the soar. Awestruck, a faint grin took shape as she enjoyed the wind on her face.

Her premature excitement turned to horror as Draco made a swift downward movement and proceeded to dive toward the surface of the water. Alexis screamed until her vocal cords were raw while she tightly grabbed onto Draco's mane. He continued with the dive until they were close enough to feel water droplets from a crashing wave, after which he quickly aligned his flight parallel with the surface. Draco's soar dented the water underneath him. Alexis lifted her head again and beheld as the waves systematically molded into water creatures shaped like dolphins and followed alongside the griffon.

In the distance an island boasting green hilltops, white cliffs, and gushing waterfalls started coming more and more into focus - it seemed to be where they were headed.

As they approached, Alexis could make out a large wooden gate flanked by high walls that appeared to be boxing in architecture of a similar stature. It reminded her of the likes you can expect to find in literature or medieval castle tours. Only something about this one was unique, the way the light touched and brushed over it made it look timeless. When they got closer, Alexis could see that the top of the walls was manned by archers. One of whom started blowing a horn on the far right corner causing Angelo to reciprocate with a much louder version of the noise from his own horn right behind Alexis who instantly covered her ears.

Draco commenced his descent and eventually made his landing on the beach grounds just outside the walls. Alexis fell-climbed off of Draco. Her stomach was churning, and she couldn't prevent what was fighting to get out. Barely a moment had passed when she flailed one side to retch.

Angelo gave a mischievous smirk.

"I'm fine I'm fine," her waving hand gestured, "your grass ain't though," she murmured embarrassedly as she covered her mouth. Before Alexis straightened her posture, something odd caught her eye - the ground was moving. The spoiled area was absorbed by a marshlike substance, and in a matter of seconds, new grass had grown in its place.

"How did it -? Did you -?" she half-aimed at Angelo as he was walking closer.

"This entire Island is sacred ground protected by old magic. It cannot be polluted or corrupted, nor can any life thereon. When a living substance gets damaged or a living creature injured, it is restored to its proper form. You'll be very grateful for it in the coming months."

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