Chapter 5: A Cause for Celebration

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"No," Aurelia stood up, "if he's going to dump me after five decades, he can do it in person. He's never been a coward, he's not taking the easy way out now!" Aurelia started making quick steps down the Keep's staircase with Alexis tailing after her,

"That's the first time I've ever heard you use slang."

"Yes well, I'm upset!"

"I think I saw him and Phoebus in the courtyard."

"Good, then he can publicly explain how and when cruelty had crept back into his heart," she said through sobs she could no longer hold back. "Perhaps they can drown him in the Pool of Enlightenment."


"He'll come back to life. Eventually."

When Aurelia reached the bottom of the staircase she made haste toward the courtyard and found it filled with castle residents. In the center of the courtyard was Rufus with his hands behind his back. Tulips – Aurelia's favorite – were strewn like confetti on the ground between him and her. Lord Castus and Phoebus stood behind him, smiling.

Aurelia's confusion had momentarily dried up her tears but new ones quickly started trickling down her cheek and met with her hand that came up to her mouth after Rufus had gone down on one knee.

"Al. My Allie, I have loved you since the day I met you. I have loved you for seventy years. We'll probably be going off to war soon. Thought we could do this one thing before then?"

Aurelia was both laughing and sobbing behind her hand. Rufus continued, "Will you marry me?"

The courtyard was dead quiet after Rufus had popped the question. Even the noises coming from Aurelia's face had momentarily stopped. All until...

"Of course I will!" she shouted before running toward him and jumping into his arms. Despite her lightness and his strength, the moment was too heavy for them - both pummeled to the ground. As soon as they could manage to stop laughing, they affectionately wiped each other's tears. Rufus then tucked Aurelia's long blonde hair behind her ears and proceeded to kiss her lips for the very first time, eliciting loud cheer and applause from the surrounding spectators. Bursting with joy, Rufus picked his tiny fiancé up and started twirling her around the courtyard.

Singing, dancing, feasting, and mingling shaped the atmosphere after Rufus and Aurelia's engagement. All were merry and Lord Castus was just as content while observing the lively bunch from the far-right corner turret of the castle wall. Archers normally manned it, but they too were engaged in the celebrations down in the courtyard.

"You little trickster!" Aurelia was too giddy to even uphold the pretense of anger.

"What? There simply aren't that many ways to surprise a person who's already had 699 birthdays," Alexis nodded her head in approval of her tactics.

"That is probably the worst justification I have ever heard in my entire life."

"Your entire life! Are you sure? You're quite old."


"Happy birthday Al," Alexis laughed as she hugged her friend, "and congratulations. If anyone deserves it, it's you!" her embrace tightened.

Aurelia's eyes teared up again, "I deserve nothing. Everything I've received here is pure grace."

"See 'deserving' in the light of everything you've had to put up with for my sake," she wiped her eyes.

"In that case..." they smiled and giggled intently as they held each other's hands.

"Here she is!" a coarser voice interrupted their moment. Rufus grabbed Alexis and kissed her on the forehead,

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