Chapter 8: The Prophecy

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"Alex is the chosen one?" Rufus sat down as the shock drained all the power from his legs.

"We can't be sure, this clothing is from humanity's earliest period. This woman must have lived thousands of years ago. Let me try to decipher the markings first before we jump to any rash conclusions," Aurelia swiftly opened and operated through the Tongues of Euangelion.

"Lord Castus warned me to keep an eye on her while keeping her away from this prophecy. He also said -"

"All the same, let's first get this translated?" his sister's words interrupted while her eyes instructed him to sit down next to Rufus. Aurelia directed and delegated while doing most of the heavy lifting, and two hours later they had finally deciphered the four verses:

Through this bloodline, you gained your power

And much more power since then

But arrogant ones too have an hour

And with the same bloodline, yours will end.

Aurelia read it aloud and surmised that the woman in the picture must have been the woman who consumed Diabolus' virus. She read the final verse back, "...and with the same bloodline, yours will end."

"Alex must be her descendant," Rufus stood up and walked to the wall.

Phoebus got real quiet and looked intently at Aurelia while waiting for her to catch on as she read the final verse for the third time: "...this bloodline.....will end," Aurelia looked up, "Diabolus' defeat goes hand in hand with the end of the bloodline that started it all," she maintained eye contact with Phoebus who sat motionless.

Rufus was looking back and forth at the siblings, "So what, the chosen one has to die?"

His question received no answer, just a pregnant silence.

"She might only be a doppelganger, we don't know for certain whether she's the descendant. Nor do we have a definite way of knowing," Aurelia objected after a few minutes of collective contemplation.

"Why else would Lord Castus want me to shield her from it, Al?"

"Because concrete proof or not - we all know how she'd react; just look what happened when she found out she's a prodigy!"

"She's the descendant, and you know it..." his voice and face softened.

They all knew it. The tension between them had abated and transitioned into a general gloom hovering in the room.

"What do we do?" Rufus asked as he slid down to sit on the ground with his back against the wall.

"We protect her for as long as we can," Phoebus looked determined as he removed his hand from his mouth. Aurelia was speechless and teary-eyed.

The three sat in uneasy silence for a further five minutes before agreeing not to utter a peep about any of this to Alexis. They also concluded that the slightest notion of behavioral change could potentially set her off, they thus had to continue to act as normal as possible.

Little did they know they weren't the only ones translating prophecies and decoding riddles that night.


Far across the Kingdom in the adjacent Realm of Nullius Terram, amateur linguists with lesser resources had been laboring day and night to decipher the ancient markings formed by the stars in the sky on the eve of Alexis' abduction by Angelo.

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