Chapter 9: A Secret Mission

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Lord Castus and the three Riders' entry to the Great Hall instantly silenced the whispers that nearly rippled into a small commotion. Their faces remained emotionless as their eyes scanned the crowd's guilty and wanting expressions.

You could hear a pin drop, till finally, Lord Castus' speech cut through the tension and broke the expectant silence.

"The discretion in your attempts to conceal your thoughts are commendable but ultimately in vain. I could hear them all the way from my study. Nonetheless, your questions are fair. And as much as I wish to provide satisfactory answers and calm all of the concerns vexing you at this point in time, I'm afraid what I'm about to share will only beget more questions."

He went on to explain that a certain quest correlating to the Riders' leave of absence had been in the works for quite some time. And how the objective needed to remain classified for reasons that could presently not be disclosed. After emphatically reminding everyone that it's still not time to worry, a brief pause ushered in the reason for his taciturn yet uncommonly bold admission and disclosure of such a secret quest to a mesmerized audience: voluntary recruits from Prince Salvatore's human army were necessary to complete the mission.

The significance of this moment knocked a hole into every recruit's stomach for multiple reasons. First of all, it was the first time that humans would be included in any kind of mission, quest, or assignment that didn't form part of Sanctum's program or Orientation on Euangelion. Secondly, the volunteers wouldn't be made privy to the details until after they've accepted the dangerous undertaking. And lastly, a total of only five would be required to volunteer.

How could the measly addition of five human recruits add one iota of utility to any venture that already included Riders?

There was no time to contemplate, however.

"Send me," Phoebus' impulsive courageousness was well in line with his character but his eagerness still surprised his companions all the same. So much so that their shock reeled them into imitating his example one by one - first Rufus, then Aurelia, and last Alexis without giving it as much as a millisecond's thought. The euphoric valiance would eventually wear off, leaving in its place a bemusing urgency requiring Phoebus to answer for his foolhardy spontaneity, especially since he, Aurelia, and Rufus had made a pact not too long ago to keep Alexis out of harm's way. Until such a time, one position still remained vacant.

The atmosphere turned more solemn despite it being thought impossible at that point.

"I'll go," the swift simultaneous movements of multiple heads turning to look in the same direction indicated that the sound came from the back of the hall. His face was agreeable but not too familiar.

Dominic was a slim fellow with bushy blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He came to Euangelion twenty years before Alexis. His way around a bow and arrow secured him a spot in the Yellow House – it was a well-known fact that he once managed to halve an apple on a soaring griffon's head, earning his nickname 'Deadshot'. But other than that, little was known about him.

"Very well. Volunteers follow me, the rest of you back to your normal business," it was unclear whether Lord Castus was disappointed at the general lack of volunteers, the fact that his group contained two prodigies, or something else.

Alexis' audibly growling stomach reminded her that she was upset at her friend for playing the hero before she even had the opportunity to eat something. It also prompted Angelo to walk to the food table and start filling two bags with the famed Euangelion bread and Accumulo fish. The bread was as useful as it was tasty since it was enough to sufficiently sustain Phoebus times five if used sparingly. And Accumulo fish was known to multiply every time the serving came down to the last two pieces.

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