Chapter 12: Into the Wilderness

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The Riders got up when the stars were still shining bright to commence preparations for their trip and started waking the volunteers.

Aurelia didn't need to be woken up as she had read through the night. Sage agreed to lend her a few scrolls from his Nullius Terram collection translated into the contemporary tongue for the duration of their journey after receiving a gentle nudge from Angelo. She had just gotten lost in the sandy mainlands beyond the riverbanks underneath the distinctive red sun when a sharp snore from Alexis brought her back to Euangelion. And a moment later Lucas entered the tent with a bag and announced that it was time to get up. The announcement pulled Aurelia out of bed and prompted Alexis to tug her bed covers over her head.

"Get up Alex, we're leaving," Aurelia opened the bag that Lucas brought and started removing its contents.

Alexis rolled around and covered her head with a pillow, but Aurelia grabbed it.

"It's still dark," Alexis moaned groggily as she sat up with her eyes still closed.

"We need it to be."

"How do you know nighttime here means nighttime there? It's a different realm," the sleepy girl slowly placed her feet on the ground and rubbed her face.

"And a different sun, but the twilight occurs at the same time as here."

"How do you know that?" Alexis managed to open one eye just in time before beige and khaki-colored garments came flying toward her face.

"I read it. Here - put this on," Aurelia handed her something that resembled a leather breastplate. "Lucas brought them. These colors will help us blend into the landscape when we arrive. We'll have to change again before we set out for Mount Timor."

"Well let's hope he got our sizes right," Alexis mumbled as she struggled to her feet.

Outside, the guys were dressed in similar colored garments and already busy carrying supplies and weapons to a raft made of logs that was floating unobtrusively on the calm but misty River Nebula.

The river was situated at the foot of Mount Mysticis and seemed to disappear altogether into the cloud of mist that hung exceptionally thick over the bend. The mountain was intimidating but glorious. It was a clear night so one could see the summit.

It has to be higher than Mount Everest; Alexis' thoughts transported her as she scanned the phenomenon from top to bottom when she approached the riverbank.

"That's a long way to fall," Phoebus' comment from behind startled a visibly bewitched Alexis.

"Don't do that!" she palmed her pounding heart.

"Looks like someone is still asleep," he proceeded to load the supplies he was carrying onto the raft.

"Because this hour is meant for sleeping," Alexis hissed.

"I didn't see you last night. Where were you?"

"Wrestling a Magi for gold."

Phoebus grinned, "Aurelia told you about Rufus' contest then."

"Oh, it was all Rufus' idea was it?" she raised her eyebrows and gave a skew smile. "I was with Dominic on the beach. We were reflecting."


"Yes, reflecting."

"What? His imminent glory?" there was no restraining the laughter that burst out of his chest.

"He didn't mean it that way!"

"I'm sure," Phoebus snickered and hunched over the water to tighten the ropes on the raft.

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