Chapter 16: Mount Timor

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Food was the last thing on everyone's mind but it was very necessary. Alexis had just passed the Euangelion bread around when Aurelia started handing out cups. Out of a big container housing water from Sanctum, she started filling each cup halfway with the rejuvenating liquid. Not even the scorching heat which they could expect around noon could reduce the crispness of this water. But they would have to use it sparingly.

Each volunteer had found a rock or patch of ground to sit on with food and drink in hand. The only Rider and griffon that remained with them were Lucas and Aquila; Angelo and Mateo left the cave with Draco and Leo almost immediately after one bite and sip of Euangelion sustenance. They didn't say where they were going but they continued heading Eastward.

"Well what do you know," Rufus commented in the direction of the boulder with the red tree.

"Magi and their trees," Aurelia smirked as she sat down on a rock next to him.

"They've gone looking for Seraphus, haven't they?" Alexis asked Lucas who was leaning against the wall.

"It's Rider business," he said between his bites.

Alexis narrowed her eyes grumpily. Here they are, five human recruits on one of the most dangerous Islands in all of the Realms on a strictly confidential mission that could possibly result in death; and still there must remain a layer of secrecy.

"Whatever," she hissed at him as she sunk her teeth into her piece of bread.

Fed and refreshed, it was time to get tunneling. The first thermal wave had already prompted the volunteers to remove their ponchos which they would leave with Lucas along with the food. The water was crucial to take along because Mount Timor was about to get very, very hot. Along with the water container and the cups, the climbing equipment, mining tools, and eight daggers were divided into four piles; each pile being able to fit into a satchel bag.

It was decided that the runner staying behind with Lucas needed to be the fastest and most agile of the two runners since the trip toward Sage's chamber was more difficult to make than the return trip. So Rufus and Dominic engaged in a farce reflex contest to determine what everybody already knew.

"Dominic stays with me," Lucas concluded after Rufus failed to pull his hand away from Dominic's incoming slap for the fifth time in a row.

"Take Sage's map, you'll need it to find us," Aurelia handed Dominic the rolled-up parchment.

"Won't you be needing that?" he asked.

"No, I memorized our route last night," she said matter-of-factly.

"You're amazing, do you know that?" Rufus stared mesmerized.

Aurelia blushed.

"Here, you'll also need some light in there," Lucas's voice came from the raft that was now pulled to one side as he removed four crystals from one of the remaining bags.

"What are those?" Alexis asked with glimmering eyes.

"Light crystals. Hit it twice for light and once to put it out," he demonstrated in the air before handing one to each of them.

Phoebus tested it first against the ground; as the crystal made contact for the second time, a bright white light was almost immediately released from its core. This exercise rippled behind him until all the crystals were tried and tested.

With crystal in hand, everyone now got strapped with a satchel over their shoulders before lining up in front of the Tree-marked boulder. Phoebus got especially nervous when Lucas rolled it away revealing the narrow size of the passage that awaited them. He took a few deep breaths and moved closer, but a change of heart turned him around.

The Battle of Euangelion: RebornOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz