Chapter 15

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Y/n's pov: 

I suddenly woke up when I remember what I've done to Hyunjin last night, it's not big deal but I literally blame him unintentionally and project him as I.N I even call him liar in my mind! 

maybe because I was too overwhelmed yesterday. I look beside the bed and Hyunjin is already gone, I haven't even got the chance to write a note for him today, I rarely missed the chance to do that. 

I quickly fix myself and went out the room to prepare some meal, as I'm about to finish getting the meal I'm going to give to Hyunjin I saw on the other table that he's already with Kim eating.

"thanks!" I look to that person and it's Felix who grab the donut on the plate I'm holding 

"yah! there are many donuts there go get yours!" I glare at him but he just make face and proceed eating it. 

The whole area is filled with princesses and princes again after many days. I walk towards Hyunjin and put down the meal I prepared for him with a little note. They both look at me at the same time

"just eat it" I said to him without taking a care to Kim, and I walk out. I'm carrying my breakfast while walking to the garden hoping to see Minho there even it's still morning. 

few more walks I reach the place where he's at

"look at that! you're here in such an early morning!" I laugh while saying that because he's already doing his work continuously even the day just started

"y/n! goodmorning" he greeted me causing me to smile, I handed him the coffee I brought and he reach to drink it. 

"just a quick question"-Y/n

"hmm?" - Minho

"is it normal that a person is asking you question once you get home? even though ever since that person never did that?" trying to ask it without giving too much detail 

" is completely normal" he plainly answer

"how so?" 

"it's normal if you have some special bond or connection with that person, it will not be normal if that person continuously ignore your presence" I nodded with what he said, I was too late to process that Hyunjin's been asking me yesterday night about what happened to me and I turned that opportunity to waste because of this attitude I got! 

"you're maybe right.."


I left Minho after an hour to search for Hyunjin, I didn't bother using my phone because I rarely get response from him. I wanted to see him today and talk to him again.

"Hyunjin?" I'm now in the art gallery of Hyunjin because he might be here doing some of his masterpieces but I can sense that no one is here that's why I left the room

"princess y/n! who are you looking for?" one of the maids approach me

"have you seen Hyunjin?" I ask her hoping I would get a good answer

"Prince Hyunjin is actually at a play room right now, would you like me to accompany you there?" she ask me while smiling, I just shook my head and proceed to that area. What the heck Hyunjin is doing at the play room?

I open the door and I didn't expect to see this, I'm too stun to even blink my eye. He's playing? or taking care of a baby right now? 

once I opened the door they all look at me at the same time, including the baby. "Hy-hyunjin? Felix??" I said to them while walking towards them slowly. There are maids and some guards in the sides while at the center it's only Felix, Hyunjin and the baby. 

LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marriage [ Hyunjin x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now