Chapter 30

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Y/n's pov: 

I keep on hearing a vibration beside causing me to wake up from my sleep, I tried to search for it using my hands without looking at it.

I'm sleeping with Hyunjin?

I notice that Hyunjin is actually with me right now, looking around me we're now in a tent beside near the shore. I tried my best to remember what happened last night between us


it's not what you think okay? I guess I'm a bit tipsy that night because of the wine with its alcohol content, I'm not really a heavy drinker. I just remembered that nothing happened between us swear! 

I felt a throbbing in my chest after realizing that Hyunjin kissed me the whole night, the way he looks at me is kinda full of love? I don't know! but that's how I can interpret it. He's so careful and gentle with me, I couldn't actually react that night because I feel so overwhelm and I don't know what to react anymore. 

He's driving me nuts 

Hyunjin is still sound a sleep, I shook my head while looking at him..this is not right, although we are married we are getting divorce soon, we have agreement. I don't even know if He will remember what happened between us. 

Since I can sense last night that he's a bit drunk, I can smell his breath when he was kissing me. if I'm going to be honest right now I hope that he really meant all of that. That's one of the best and craziest thing that happened to us, so much emotions. 

"Hm" he suddenly moves and wrap his arms around me pulling me closer to him, couldn't help it but to feel so warm and red right now since I'm fully conscious. 

is he already awake? 

I look at him but his eyes are still close, look at those lips he has I'm actually happy experiencing that but at the same time kinda felt offended because there are moments that he forced me and kinda hurt me a bit. 

Hearing another vibrate again and finally look for that, and oh it's Hyunjin's phone

should I open it? ..ofcourse!

I carefully reach for his phone that keeps on vibrating and saw that there's a text message, when I opened the message 

it's from kim

I didn't read the message and just smile a bit not entirely because it hurts me, but because I'm kinda glad that it's one of the assurance to me that the thing that happened between us last night is just another full of crap that Hyunjin's keep on playing with me.

I don't need to wait for his explanation again, I don't need to ask for more just like before, this is already enough for an explanation. 

Looking back at Hyunjin who's still sleeping right now and wrapping his arms around me, one last thing to do for him

"y/n" Hyunjin woke up when I hug him tight and bury my face on his chest, I know I keep on saying this is the last thing but right now since I've experienced at least an intimate with him this is just a goodbye gesture between us.

After a few more minutes I unwrap my arms but before I finally let go he responded to my hug and he wrap again my arms around he still drunk? dizzy? or is he still half asleep? maybe any of those I've mentioned. 

we stayed like this for about a minute, what I feel right now is calmness and contentment, I'm satisfied in everything that happened to us maybe I could say that I regret somethings but there are also moments that I'm really glad that happened. 

LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marriage [ Hyunjin x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now