A Symphony of Skills

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The sun begins its ascent over the rooftops of Konoha, casting a warm glow on the bustling village. I stands at the entrance of the Ninja Academy, a mix of anticipation and nervousness bubbling within me. The chirping of birds overhead and the distant chatter of other students create a lively backdrop to this momentous day.

A week has passed since our family moved to Konoha, and today marks the beginning of my journey as a ninja. My parents, recognizing my potential and waste no time enrolling me in the academy. As I steps through the entrance gate, the aroma of fresh leaves and dewy grass fills the air, heightening the sense of adventure that awaits me.

A recognizable figure accompanies a young boy to the entrance of the Academy. The duo, sharing a striking resemblance with their matching black hair, approaches the academy gates together.

"Could that be Sasuke and Itachi? Hold on, does this mean the Uchiha clan hasn't been wiped out yet?" I ponders.

I notices an abundance of individuals bearing a striking resemblance to the Uchiha clan and various Uchiha symbols scattered throughout Konoha.

"Morning, (Y/n)-chan!" chimes a familiar and upbeat voice. To my surprise, it's Naruto. "Hey, good morning, Naruto," I replies with a warm greeting.

"I hope your first day here is awesome," Naruto expresses. "Thanks, I'm sure it will be," I replies with a smile. We then enter the Academy, strolling down the corridors together.

"Let me take a wild guess about your breakfast," I remarks while walking down the corridors. "You'll never guess," Naruto replies. "It's ramen, isn't it?" I teases.

"H-how did you figure that out?" Naruto asks, bewildered. "That's literally what you're always eating! Plus, you often have noodles hanging from your mouth," I responds with a playful grin. Naruto swipes away a noodle from his mouth.

"You're so adorable," I compliments. "Thanks. You're cute too, (Y/n)-chan," Naruto replies with a smile.

We reach the faculty area. "Naruto, I have to meet with Iruka-sensei first. You go ahead to your class," I says. "Sure, see you later," he replies, waving as Naruto heads off while I enters the faculty.

I gently taps on the faculty door. "Excuse me? Is Iruka-sensei here?" I greets the teachers. "I'm over here!" Iruka calls, raising his hand to catch my attention. I approaches his table.

"So your class is with Naruto. You should be a grade year older than them, but you enrolled pretty late," Iruka observes. "That's okay with me. I don't really mind as long as I can still graduate," Iruka smiles at my response.

We make our way to the classroom, and I can feel the excitement bubbling within me. Iruka enters the classroom first and declares, "Listen, class. Today, we have a new classmate. Make sure you get along with her." He gestures for me to step forward, saying, "Come in. Please introduce yourself to them." 

"Hello, my name is (Y/n) Hanabi, and I'm 7 years old. Nice to meet you all!" I exclaims with a bright smile, bowing gracefully. I looks around the room, noting many familiar faces. 

"Thank you for the introduction. Please take your seat beside Sasuke," Iruka instructs, pointing to the vacant seat next to Sasuke. I makes my way to sit beside Sasuke. I'm on my way, I feels some death glares directed at me. 

"Those are probably from Sasuke's fans. I don't really give a damn about him. He is way too moody. He may be handsome, but looks alone don't make someone better, plus Itachi is way superior".

"She looks so pretty," murmurs one student.

"She smells so good," whispers another.

"Her hair is beautiful," comments someone nearby.

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