Midnight Comfort

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Hinata, Naruto, Choji, Kiba, and I are getting ready to head out for ramen after class.

"I'm so excited!" Naruto exclaims with enthusiasm, his hands in the air as he bounces up and down.

"Come on, guys, let's get going already," Choji responds, munching on a bag of chips in his hands. "One second, guys," I say calmly.

While I'm getting ready, I spot a group of bugs under my desk. "AHH! BUGS!" I yell and quickly back away.

The rest of the group rushes over to see what's wrong. "W-what is it? What's w-wrong?" Hinata asks nervously. "Are you okay?" Choji adds concernedly. Kiba looks at the desk to see a large number of bugs.

"HAHA! The strongest girl in class is scared of mere bugs? What a coward!" Sakura mocks the situation.

"CAN YOU PLEASE GET RID OF THEM?" I yell as I move as far away as I can from the bugs that are still crawling under my desk...


Sora, Yuki, and I are hanging out in a park, sitting on a bench, and enjoying ice cream.

"The sun's almost gone down, and I'm still hungry..." I say, finishing a cone of ice cream rather quickly.

Yuki and Sora look at me and giggle. "Didn't you have two scoops of ice cream?" Sora asks, and Yuki nods in agreement.

"I know, but it was just so yummy, and I'm still hungry!" I say with a sheepish grin. "Plus, I've been stressed lately. Mom and Dad keep fighting nonstop. I couldn't even get a peaceful sleep!" I sigh, and my friends look sympathetic towards me.

"It will be fine. We're almost graduating! Just a little push, and we're gonna be rich!" says Yuki, trying to cheer me up.

"That's right! I can't wait to be a Cardiologist! So I can treat people's broken hearts!" Sora agrees with a smile, raising his fist into the air.

"But I won't break your heart." Yuki looks at Sora with a cute smile. Sora smiles back.

"Hey! Don't make me a third wheel!" Everyone laughs, and Sora continues to smile as Yuki nuzzles close to him and leans in close.

"Let's just have fun tonight," Sora says, and we agree as we watch the sun slowly set on the horizon...

"Ew, two dudes holding hands?" The voice of a child's laugh and the echo of other children around catch us off guard.

"What?!" Sora says, looking up with a frown. People start looking towards us as Yuki and Sora look around in shock to see a group of children laughing, pointing, and making fun of them.

"They're gay!" The children say with giggling and laughter, and my blood boils as I glare at the children.

"My dad said being gay is a disease!" the other kid says, and Sora is ready to fight and defend. "Hey! You know what's a disease? Your homophobic ass father..." I speak up in defense of Yuki and Sora.

Sora's blood boils, and his eyes flash red in anger. "So what if I love him? What's so wrong about that?" he asks in a calm manner despite being angry at the children.

"We don't care!" the kid says, and Sora's eyes flash red as a look of murder crosses his face. "You know what? You deserve this!" A kid pulls out his pocket and pours a swarm of crickets on me.

I shriek and freak out as the bugs swarm over me. Sora and Yuki try in vain to brush them off and get them away. I'm overwhelmed with crickets and fall to the ground, trying to shake them off, and the kids just run away.

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