Setting Sail

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To sum up everything, those are Boruto and Sasuke from the future. It's cool to see them, but I don't watch
Boruto excepts those clips I keep seeing, so I have no idea why they're here.

I don't watch Boruto, but I like Himawari.

As night descended, I found myself standing by the window of my bedroom. The moon casting a gentle glow across the room. 

Lost in thought, I couldn't shake the weight of the questions weighing heavily on my mind.

How can I save Neji?

The uncertainty gnawed at me, the urgency of his plight haunting my thoughts.

Yet, a more unsettling question lingered beneath the surface. 

Will I even be alive before that happens? What if I just take Neji's place? 

After all, I'm not really a character here, and it would be nice for Neji to see Himawari when he survives. 

I let out a heavy sigh as tears filled my eyes. My feelings were too strong for me to handle.

My heart was heavy with long for for Sasuke and missing my parents. 

I gazed up at the bright moon, hoping that its peaceful light would help me feel better.

"What's the kunoichi crying for?" a familiar voice asked, jolting me out of my own thoughts.

When I turned to see where the voice was coming from, I was startled to see Sa—or rather, adult Sasuke—standing there.

As my shock shifted to confusion, I couldn't help but slap him out of shock. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about that. What are you doing in my house?" As I quickly wiped away my tears, I yelled something that sounded like a mix of surprise and bewilderment.

"I just happened to pass by because I was looking for something, and I noticed you crying. I'm just concerned," Adult Sasuke explained, his tone tinged with genuine care and concern. 

Despite my shock at his sudden appearance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.

"If it's okay to ask, why are you crying?" he inquired, his dark eyes searching mine for answers.

"Ah, it's nothing. Just missing someone," I replied vaguely, not wanting to delve into the depths of my emotions with him.

"A friend?" he guessed, his voice gentle yet probing. "Kind of... I couldn't stop him from leaving or convince him to stay..." I trailed off, the ache of my unspoken feelings weighing heavily on my heart.

With a solemn expression, Sasuke began to narrate a story, "Once, there was a boy who got separated from the most important person to him just to achieve his goal. The important person warned him, but he didn't listen. Despite that, that important person still understood him as always and didn't get angry with the boy."

"What happened to them?" I asked, drawn into the narrative by Sasuke's captivating storytelling.

"The boy missed his important person so much as time passed," he continued as he pulled down his hat over his eyes. 

"Did they meet again?" I pressed, my curiosity piqued by the unresolved fate of the characters in his tale.

But before I could hear his response, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me, and my vision began to black out.

It seems like I woke up the next morning without remembering anything, but for some reason,

I felt lighter. Did I just have a dream? I can't recall. 

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