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[A/n: Deciding to put into mc's pov again so I can put her inner side comments]

"There you are!" I exclaimed with a mixture of relief and urgency as I spotted Sasuke sitting on a large branch of a tree. Without hesitation, I jumped and sat beside him. A moment of silence passed between us before I spoke again.

Sasuke nodded and began recounting everything that had transpired, including his conversation with Kakashi. "I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm willing to do anything just to kill Itachi and avenge my clan," Sasuke admitted, his voice weighed down by the burden of his emotions.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before finally turning to me with a look of vulnerability in his eyes. "Tell me, (Y/n), what should I do?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty and a desperate need for guidance. 

Screw the story, I want to help Sasuke and everyone. They've all suffered enough. That's why I'm here, right?

Taking a deep breath, I spoke from the heart, my voice steady and unwavering. "Sasuke, I think Kakashi-sensei is right. Revenge won't bring you peace. It'll only consume you further," I said, my words infused with empathy and a genuine desire to alleviate Sasuke's pain. 

"Keep this in your mind. Every action has huge consequences in your life and the lives of those around you, which may lead to overwhelming regret and guilt in the future," I reminded him, my voice gentle yet firm as I emphasized the gravity of his choices, my words imbued with a sense of hope and determination to steer Sasuke away from the path of self-destruction.

Sasuke processed what I had said to him, his thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions and uncertainties. "Is it okay if you leave me alone for now?" he requested, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"Sure, take your time to think about it," I agreed, with my tone gentle and understanding. With a reassuring pat on Sasuke's head, I gave him the space he needed before jumping away, leaving him to wrestle with his thoughts in solitude.

I first looked for Naruto to check on him and found him at the playground, sitting on a swing with Hinata. Surprised by their presence together, I decided to hide and listen in, intrigued by their conversation.

"Everything will be okay, Naruto-kun," Hinata reassured, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Thank you, Hinata," Naruto replied, his tone reflecting gratitude and comfort in her words. 

Wow they are developing.

Hearing their exchange, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of their interaction and support for each other. Deciding not to disturb them any further, I quietly slipped away and headed back to Neji.

As I arrived, I opened the door and was greeted by a shower of confetti. "Welcome to Team Gai, (Y/n)!" they all greeted in unison, their voices filled with excitement and enthusiasm. Neji smiled warmly at me, his quiet acknowledgment speaking volumes.

"Wow, thank you!" I  exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight at the warm reception.

"Looking forward to having you with us. I'm glad the Hokage agreed to my request," Gai greeted, his voice brimming with pride as he gave a thumbs up and a wide smile.

"Gai-sensei! Thank you!" I exclaimed, overcome with gratitude as I wrapped her arms around him in a heartfelt hug. 

"(Y/n), let's eat!" Tenten offered warmly, her smile inviting me to join them.

I nodded in agreement, feeling touched by their gesture. Together, they all poured their drinks into mugs, preparing to raise a toast.

"Toast for our new teammate and for Lee's surgery!" Gai cheered enthusiastically, his words echoing the sentiment of celebration and hope shared by the group. 

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