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After a brief moment, the hospital room door burst open, and Ino rushed in, enveloping me in a tight hug. "Oh my gosh! I'm so relieved to see you awake! Do you have any idea how worried I've been? And then I found out Orochimaru was after you too!" she exclaimed, tears glistening in her eyes. I returned her hug, feeling grateful for her presence.

With a smile, I observed something in her hand. "What's that?"

Ino wiped away her tears and chuckled softly. "Oh, this? It's flowers for you," she explained, extending the bouquet towards me. "Thank you," I said, touched by her gesture, as I accepted the flowers with gratitude.

As I noticed Gaara's silence, a thought struck me. Perhaps it would be a good idea to spend some time with Gaara while he's still in Konoha. After all, we've only just reunited, and I'm sure he missed these moments as much as I did.

"Gaara," I called out softly, breaking the silence. "Would you like to hang out like we used to?" I asked, extending the invitation with a hopeful smile.

"Really?" Gaara's eyes lit up with excitement upon hearing my invitation. "Of course," I responded with a warm smile.

"That should've been me!" Ino exclaimed, feeling a bit left out. Gaara seemed surprised by her sudden outburst.

"Sorry, Ino. But we can hang out next time. Gaara and I don't often get the chance to spend time together, and this is also my way of thanking him," I explained, hoping to ease any hurt feelings.

"Okay, fine," Ino agreed with a smile, giving me another hug. "Another hug," she giggled.

"Can I join, (Y/n)-neesan? I miss your hugs," Gaara requested, his voice soft yet earnest. I happily agreed, "Of course. Come here," opening my arms to welcome him into the embrace.

Later on, the nurse suddenly entered the room with an exasperated expression. "You two should have at least called us. She's already awake!" she scolded Gaara and Ino.

"Sorry, I just miss (Y/n)-neesan," Gaara apologized sincerely, his tone reflecting his regret.

Ino bowed respectfully, echoing Gaara's sentiment. "I'm sorry too. I just wanted to make sure (Y/n) was alright," she added, her voice filled with genuine concern.

After some time, the nurse returned to check my condition and delivered the welcome news that I could be discharged, as my injuries were not severe. 

"(Y/n), I have to go for now. Take care!" Ino said with a warm smile as she bid farewell.

"Sure, take care. And thanks again for coming and for the flowers," I replied, returning her smile as Ino walked out of the room, leaving just me and Gaara alone together.

I glanced at Gaara, "Gaara, I'll begin getting ready for discharge. Would it be alright with you if I visit my companions from the mission before we hang out?" I inquired.

"Sure! I'll wait for you," Gaara responded with a nod and a small smile.

"Thanks," I said appreciatively, then reached out to pat his hair gently. "I promise I won't take long."

HE IS SO ABORABLE. Look at his smile.


I made my way to the Intensive Care Unit where Neji and Choji was being treated. As I entered,

I spotted Temari and Shika seated nearby, their expressions tense as they waited for news on their condition.

"Looks like you're okay. Sorry, you almost got caught by them," Shika said with a hint of remorse in his voice.

I leaned against the wall, feeling a sense of reassurance in his concern.

"Don't blame yourself. I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me," I replied, offering him a reassuring smile. 

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