The Tower Gathering

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The remaining examinees, along with Hiruzen, the proctors, and Jonin instructors, had gathered inside a tower for the third test of the Chunin Examination. "First off, congratulations on finishing the second exam," Anko acknowledged.

"Oh my! Is that Gai-sensei?!" (Y/n) asked in surprise. "Yes, that's our Jonin instructor," Tenten replied. "(Y/n) continued, "Wow, this is my first time seeing him," expressing her amazement at encountering Gai-sensei for the first time. 

"Gai-sensei is cool, right? And that's the power of youth!!" Lee boasted, his fist pumping in the air with enthusiasm. Tenten sighed, accustomed to Lee's passionate outbursts. "There he goes again," she remarked, acknowledging Lee's unwavering dedication to the principles of youthfulness espoused by their eccentric Jonin instructor. 

(Y/n) chuckled, "Well, I can see that Gai-sensei is a great teacher," expressing her admiration as a fan of Team Gai. "I know, right!!" Lee boasted, pleased to have someone else appreciate the greatness of their unique and passionate instructor. "Hey, (Y/n). You're a solo ninja, right?" Tenten asked. "(Y/n) replied, "That's right. I've been doing missions alone since I lost my teammates."

"Do you want to join us?"

"Now then, we will now have the explanation of the third exam from Hokage-sama. Listen carefully, everybody!" Anko announced. Before Hiruzen explained the mechanics of the third exam, he first delved into the true purpose of the Chunin Exam. Then another Jonin named Hayate Gekko, appeared in front of Hokage, indicating that he is the proctor for the third exam. Taking the lead, he began explaining the mechanics and details of the upcoming test, ensuring that all the examinees were well-informed about what awaited them in this crucial phase of the Chunin Exam.

Hayate explained that the current test is the preliminary for the third exam, serving to narrow down the numbers for the actual test. The significance of the preliminary round became clear as he detailed its purpose in filtering out the participants and ensuring that only the most qualified candidates progressed to the final stage of the Chunin Exam.

"Therefore, those of you not in top physical condition..." Hayate coughed. "Excuse me. Those of you who wish to drop out, speak out now. The preliminary will begin immediately, so..." he added, offering an opportunity for those who felt unprepared or unwilling to proceed to withdraw before the preliminary round commenced.

"(Y/n), aren't you gonna withdraw?" Tenten asked. "(Y/n) replied, "Nope. I'm not that in pain now, so I think I'm good." "Are you sure?" Lee uttered. "(Y/n) confidently responded, "Yup," signaling her determination to continue and face the challenges of the preliminary round.

Sasuke suddenly felt a pain on his shoulder from the Cursed Mark, prompting him to clutch his shoulder. "The waves of pain are coming faster..." Sasuke thought. Concerned, Sakura noticed Sasuke in distress and suggested, "Sasuke-kun, you should quit these preliminaries!" expressing her worry for his well-being. 

Sakura trembled and tears welled up in her eyes. "Please... Please quit! I'm scared," Sakura pleaded while wiping her tears. (Y/n) observed Sasuke and Sakura engaged in their emotional argument, debating whether Sasuke should back out or not. Despite her concern for the characters, (Y/n) hesitated to interfere. She realized that altering the storyline could have significant consequences. If she told Sasuke to quit, he would likely do so, given his trust in (Y/n)'s words. 

"You're in no condition to fight properly, Sasuke!" Sakura pointed out. "Shut up!" Sasuke argued back. "You've been enduring the pain this whole time, right?!" Sakura wailed. "Please be quiet!"

"Sasuke-kun, no matter what you say, I'm going to tell the teachers about the bruise! If I do that... " Sakura's voice trembled as she tried to convey the gravity of the situation, urging Sasuke to prioritize his well-being.

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