The Uchiha Home

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"Good morning, Hina-chan!" I greeted as I approached the main entrance of the Hyuga household. Hinata, already wearing her shoes, appeared excited and ready to go.

"Good morning, (Y/n). I'm so excited for today. I really hope this feeling lasts for the entire day! I... I can't thank you enough for all the help you have given me," Hinata expressed, her warm smile reflecting genuine appreciation. "It really means a lot to have such a good friend by your side. Thank you... really."

"Don't mention it. I only did what's right. Come on, let's go to class. We are gonna be late," I urged, and Hinata grabbed my hand with a smile. "Okay... Come on, let's go!" she exclaimed excitedly as we walked together.

Before we started walking, I noticed a familiar young boy looking at us, or maybe just at me? I wasn't entirely sure, as we were in a rush.

"Hina-chan, Naruto and the others are going to have some ramen at Ichiraku soon. Do you want to join?" I offered.

"Really?" Hinata looked at me with a hopeful, excited smile. "You mean it? You want me to come?" Her hand gripped onto mine tightly as she spoke with enthusiasm and a hint of nervousness. "Ramen with Naruto?" she mumbled under her breath.

"Of course," I continued with a grin on my face, fully aware of Hinata's crush on Naruto.

Hinata and I arrived at the Academy and headed for our seats, patiently waiting for the class to start. "Seems like Sasuke and the others aren't here yet," I remarked, glancing around the classroom.

I wondered about my purpose in this world. Surely, there had to be a reason.

"I told you, save him!"

"What?" I muttered, lost in thought. Sasuke's voice snapped me out of my daydreaming trance. "I said let's train in our home instead!" he declared, making me jump.

"Oh, god! You startled me," I responded.

"You're spacing out! Did you get what I just said?" Sasuke asked in his usual tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You said train in your home, right? Is it later?" I inquired.

"Yes, it is," Sasuke replied, looking at me with confusion and a hint of worry. "Are you okay? I've noticed you've been spacing out a lot lately."

"I'm good. Don't worry," I reassured calmly.

Sakura approached and said, "Sasuke-kun, I made you chocolates!" in her signature annoying baby talk.

"I don't need it," Sasuke refused, annoyance evident on his face.

"Just accept it. I bet she won't be glaring at me, and it's ruining my day," I whispered to Sasuke.

"Tsk fine," Sasuke sighed in resignation before taking the chocolates from Sakura.

"Now, go away," Sasuke told Sakura sharply, and she left without a fuss. He then handed me the chocolates. "What's this for?"

"Just take it," Sasuke shrugged. "I don't like sweets."

"Thanks, I guess," I said, taking the chocolates and placing them in my bag for safekeeping. Iruka-sensei arrived, starting the class, and the students settled down.

After class, Sasuke and I walked together towards his house.

"You know, I love my brother, but I wish he'd let me train with him. But either way, he is the best!" Sasuke commented with a sweet smile while we walked. "Yeah, the best at wiping your clan."

I nodded in agreement, understanding how important Sasuke's brother, Itachi, was to him.

As we arrived at their house, Sasuke said, "And here we are." The large building loomed over me with a sense of majesty and prestige. I couldn't deny that the house was impressive. Though I had seen it in the anime, being there in person gave me a deeper appreciation for its massive size and ornate beauty.

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