Grieving Shadows

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Harumi, Tadashi, and I find a quiet spot on the grass, the remnants of our triumphant celebration still lingering in the air. Sitting down, we each take a moment to catch our breath and savor the victory. The exhaustion is palpable, but the sense of accomplishment permeates the atmosphere.

As we sip from our water bottles, the significance of the moment settles in. We've just successfully passed the test set by Ayaka-sensei, officially marking our transition into the ranks of Genin. The weight of the achievement rests on our shoulders, and the shared glances among us reflect a mix of pride and camaraderie.

The grassy field, witness to our trials and victories, becomes a sacred space where the bonds of our team were forged. The journey to become Genin is a milestone, and as we sit in quiet reflection, the collective realization of our growth and potential becomes a source of inspiration for the challenges that lie ahead in our ninja careers.

The conversation shifts to the topic of a teacher notorious for supposedly failing his students. Tadashi, with a hint of concern, remarks, "I heard there is this teacher that always fails his students." Harumi, seemingly relieved, responds, "For real? We're lucky he isn't assigned to us."

"They must be talking about Kakashi," I interject, sharing the common knowledge about the renowned Jonin.

Seeking to shed light on the possible reasons behind such decisions, I add, "Pretty sure he has his own reasons and standards why he failed them. Like, you know, the essence to pass this test is teamwork, and most ninjas, especially the young ones, are getting selfish. So that's probably his reasons."

"(Y/n) is right," Ayaka-sensei chimes in, providing her perspective. "Most of the shinobi that I have encountered are selfish and don't have any teamwork. They are willing to sacrifice their own comrades just for their own gain." Her words carry a weight of experience and wisdom, shedding light on the challenges that many ninja instructors face in instilling the crucial value of teamwork among their students. The discussion unveils the complexities within the world of shinobi, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in the face of individualistic tendencies.

"That's why I'm proud of your performance earlier. It's clear that you have a connection to each other," Ayaka-sensei commends, her expression reflecting a mix of approval and pride in her students.

Tadashi chimes in with a compliment, "Because (Y/n) is a good and strong leader." His words carry a sincerity that resonates with the acknowledgment of leadership qualities.

"That's true. She always was the one who handled our classmates during Academy days," Harumi adds, recalling the shared experiences of the Academy days.

I can't help but smile at the affirmations. "Thank you for that. You two are great teammates as well; you coordinate very well." The exchange becomes a mutual acknowledgment of each other's strengths and contributions, reinforcing the bonds of their team and setting the foundation for the challenges that lie ahead as they embark on their journey as official Genin.

Three days later, a sense of anticipation fills the air as Hiruzen summons our team to the Hokage's office. The corridors of the village resonate with the echoes of our footsteps, each one carrying a mixture of excitement and curiosity. As we approach the Hokage's office, the iconic door comes into view, a gateway to the missions that will shape our ninja careers.

Entering the office, we find ourselves in the presence of the venerable Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. His gaze carries the weight of experience, and the room exudes an aura of authority.

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