Chapter 3

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The young boy ran from his father, blood soaking the front of his shirt. His blue eyes were wide and scared, his ten year old body was broken but not beyond repair...yet. His father shifted and chased after him, easily catching up and pinning the small boy down. He shifted back and grabbed the boy by his hair, yanking him up.

"How dare you disobey me and then run!" he snarled.

His eyes were black, dark with nothing but hatred. "You're a bastard child!" he spat. "You think someone will love you! Ha! No one will ever love a monster like you!"

The boy felt his self esteem sink, his heart hammering against his chest. After hearing this for five years he's now believing it. After all, who would love such a monster?

"Your mother died to escape you. It's all your fault!" the man barked.

"No, you plunged the knife into her heart, not me." the boy thought.

The man threw him into the tree, cracking the back of his head open. He started to beat the boy again.

"You'll thank me one day, you know? I'm turning you into an Alpha." he grumbled.

The boy's world went black as his father punched him once more.

~Back to the present~


He was in his wolf form and he was huge. He had to be bigger than my dad's wolf and mom's wolf combined. His fur was a midnight black, his eyes were a beautiful ocean blue color. He just watched me, nothing going through his eyes. No emotion. My wolf and I felt uneasy with his cold stare, unsure of what to do. I then nudged Christine, telling her it was time to go. She whimpered a little at the sight of the large Alpha and scurried to the packhouse. I gave the Alpha one last look, completely studying him before running back as well.

I acted as if nothing had happened in the forest and so did Christine, goddess knows what my father would do if he found out. He warned us to stay away from that Alpha and that side of the forest, but we ignored him. I took a shower, trying to make myself relax. Afterwards I just laid on my bed, playing candy crush since I had nothing better to do.

"Vanessa, get dressed!" my mother said as she barged into my room.

I looked at it before looking back at my phone, "I am dressed."

She grabbed my phone, causing me to narrow my eyes. "A sports bra and shorts is not dressed. Alpha Veloces is coming over."


She sighed, "Your father has this idea that maybe he could talk Veloces out of attacking Alpha Jeremy's pack. I highly doubt it'll work, but I guess we could try. Now, get dressed."

She closed my door, her foot steps getting quiter as she walked down the hall. I frowned, I've never heard of the name Veloces. Sounds kind of cool though. I quickly got dressed into a nice tank top type shirt, a black tight skirt, and grabbed my black wegdes. This is like my annual Alpha meeting outfit. I've worn it whenever an Alpha comes over, mainly because it's the only nice outfit I have besides my dresses. No Alpha is worth a dress unless he's my mate, and I highly doubt that will be happening.

I walked quietly down the hall, it's only our second day here and my father is already holding a meeting with that Alpha. I guess it's better to get it done and over with than letting the problem grow larger. I walked down the stairs, making sure my skirt wasn't too tight. I stood beside Christine, giving her a what-the-hell-is-going-on look.

The only reason Christine is allowed here during these meetings is because she's the daughter of our Beta and female Beta. Her father is a strict Beta when he has to be, but other than that he's a pretty cool guy. Her mother is the life of the party as her father puts it, but then my father says my mom is. It ends with them getting into a fight and our mothers drinking wine coolers while watching them. They even had popcorn one time. Our mothers are strange.

My wolf felt anxious for some reason, she kept howling and whining. I quickly hushed her, not being able to take all that noise in my head. I started to feel antsy as well, shifting from foot to the other as we waited for Alpha Veloces to arrive. When someone knocked on the door my heart felt as if it skipped a beat. I suddenly remembered seeing him in the forest, hopefully he doesn't tell my father that.

Or I would be dead meat. I swallowed, clenching my jaw as my father swung the door open. Standing on the other side was a very handsome man. He was tall, about the same height as my father. His hair was a dirty blonde and his eyes were green. He had medium colored skin and I could see the muslces through his tight shirt. I heard Christine's breath hitch as the man looked straight at her, lust filling his eyes.

I smirked, they have to be mates. I nudged her, chuckling when she blushed and quickly looked away.

"Good evening, Alpha Blake." the man greeted.

"Good evening, is Alpha Veloces coming?" my father asked, allowing the man in.

He nodded, "Yes, he's just having a...discussion with his brother."


"Our general, he drove us here since Veloces has a thing with driving cars. Fights are very common between them."

"Do they hate each other?" my mother asked, frowning.

The man laughed, "No, they're really close. They argue over little things, right now it's about their phones."

"Sounds like my children, I came home to one taped to the wall." my mother said, giving me a pointed look.

I bit my lip, "He started it." I mumbled.

The man looked at me and chuckled, "I'm glad I don't have any siblings."

"Clayton, are you telling them about my life?" a deep voice asked.

I froze, that amazing scent hitting me again. My heart rate increased as he walked into the house, his blue eyes landing on me. I stared straight at him, knowing he would think I was weak if I didn't. I'm an Alpha's daughter, I can't just look away as if I didn't have any self respect for myself or pride. He shifted his gaze to my father.

"Alpha Blake." he said cooly.

"Alpha Veloces." my father replied with the same icy tone.

Well, this is going to be fun. Not.

Author's note: The pic is of Vanessa. :)

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