Chapter 12

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The next morning I decided to go and talk to my father, needing to explain this whole situation to him. Veloces was reluctant to let me walk through the forest alone, but after I convinced him, he came with me. Not to my father's pack, but only to the borders to make sure I make it through his territory safe. I turned and hugged him, he tensed up but I easily soothed him.

"It's okay to hug or kiss, Veloces. I'm not going to punish you for it." I whispered, kissing his cheek.

He let out a breath, "I know...but what if he's-

"He's not here right now and I don't think he'll be here for a while. You just need to relax and live."

He nodded, "Okay."

With one last concerned glance at him, I shifted and sprinted back to my father's packhouse. After yesterday afternoon he apologized for kissing me and said he knew it was wrong. I had to explain to him that whatever his father put into his head wasn't true. That he's allowed to kiss me, just not attack me. He always thought his father's beatings were his way of showing he loved him, but I told him it wasn't.

I would have said it's because he lost his mate, but he's the one who abused her and killed her. I highly doubt it was the lost mate thing making him crazy. I was scared for Veloces, learning that Jeremy was planning to capture him and abuse him like his father did had changed him a little. He's now more afraid, always paranoid that his father is watching him. He told me his father is the only werewolf who knew what his beatings were like, that Jeremy finding out is impossible unless his father told him.

With this new information it made it even more urgent to see my father and to speak with him. I can't allow him to attack Veloces and his pack, if he does then I'm joining Veloces' side. I'm not going to abandon him again, I'm probably the only one who he'll trust and listen to. I shifted as I reached the packhouse, my adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I walked into the house and called out for my father, in a matter of seconds he came running down the steps.

"Where were you?" he asked, checking me for injuries.

I sighed, "I went to tell Veloces and got attacked by rogues. Don't worry, Veloces saved me and I spent the night over there. But you have to listen to me."

"Alright, fine, in my office then."

When we walked into his office I closed the door and sat down on the couch. My father sat in his chair and motioned for me to continue.

"I accepted Veloces as my mate, before you argue, dad he's messed up. His father abused him all his life and he was taught that abuse is a way of showing love. His mind was damaged and I'm trying to fix him. I know, I sound like an over attatched girlfriend, but he's trying. He's going to take medicine for his anger and I'm going to show him it's okay to love someone. He apologized for kissing me and thought it was the wrong thing to do. He's scared of his father, paranoid that his father is watching and working for Jeremy." I explained.

"Calming him down is hard and I have to figure it out. I have to pick up the pieces and put them back together. After all, I was taught to never give up on your mate. No matter how broken they are."

He nodded, "I'm proud of you honey, but just be careful with him. An Alpha's temper can be scary at times, your grandfather would sometimes abuse your mother. Alphas are known for being violent werewolves, that is what makes everyone fear us. Even the nicest of Alphas can sometimes lose it and hit their mate or pack member. It's wrong, we know, but it's the animalistic instinct to punish them. In a normal wolf pack the Alpha will bite the other wolf to show him their place or they'll get into a fight. That's why werewolves are known to be violent, when it comes to that part, we have more animal instinct than human." he explained.

"Thank you." I said.

"And I won't help Alpha Jeremy, after hearing what he's going to do...that man is cruel. Also, you're technically the Luna of the Black Thorn pack and your own father attacking you...that would be cruel and uncaring on my side. And you know your mother and I love you very much. Your brother said he refuses to attack your pack, his mate agreed."

"They're going to be good Alphas."

"Yes, and so are you. You're already being a great Luna."

I smiled, "I hope so."

"Now, as for a plan-

"Alpha Blake!"

We turned to see his Gamma bursting through the door, "Alpha Jeremy is attacking!" he gasped.

"What?" My father growled running from the room. "Vanessa, stay there!" he ordered before leaving.

I slumped in the chair before looking at the window, I slowly got up and walked over. The sight outside scared me, Alpha Jeremy's wolves were murdering pack members. They even had a group of children huddled in a corner. I growled and shifted, jumping out the window. I landed on the ground and attacked the wolves scaring the children. All three of them growled as I got into a defensive position in front of them.

I bared my teeth and snapped at them, telling them to stand down. Luckily for me, I'm an Alpha so they can't exactly refuse my order. They all backed up and ran away, focusing on other pack members. Thank the goddess we trained everyone to defend themselves. I turned and shifted back, checking on the children.

"Listen to me, you're going to go into the packhouse and go into Alpha Blake's office, okay?" I asked.

They all noded, their wide eyes sparkling with fear. I looked around before finding three of our strongest warriors. I ordered them over and they came.

"You are to protect them and make sure no one gets into my father's office. The window is broken, thanks to me, which is why all three of you will be in the office. Got it?" I ordered.

They all nodded, grabbed the kids, and ran into the packhouse. I shifted and ran into the fight, breaking the necks of wolves. I yelped as someone crushed me into the ground. I could feel my one leg break as they put all their weight on me. I looked up to see a smirking wolf, his eyes were amber and his fur was a red/brown. I snarled.

He shifted back and standing before me was Alpha Jeremy, a look of triumph on his face. He pulled me up and whistled, everyone becoming silent. My father's growl echoed throughout the yard as his eyes landed on us.

I gave him a pleading look, my arm burning as Jeremy continued to hold me up. "Now, Alpha Blake, I suggest you tell your warriors to stand down or your daughter will be in the ground. Dead." he threatened.

My father shifted back, "Fine, but you must let her go first."

"No can do."

"Then how am I supposed to trust you?" my father snapped.

Jeremy tilted his head and shrugged, "Don't know, figure it out."

"Jeremy, put her down or I swear to god I will punch you so hard that you'll lose the taste in your mouth."

I knew that voice, oh god. He turned around, including me and growled. Standing there was...


Author's note: Veloces in here!!! :D

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