Chapter 11

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I bared my teeth, ready to attack whenever they lunge. They all lunged at once, only allowing me to break the neck of one. I howled in pain when a rogue bit my back leg, his teeth ripping through my flesh, cutting the artery in my back leg. I could feel the blood soak my back paw, but I didn't care. I dug my canines into another rogue's neck, ignoring the the rogue that bit into my back. I swung him around, causing his body to hit another rogue's body. As they both fell another rogue took their place.

I was tired and losing blood, my wolf tried healing it but she was too weak from the quick blood loss as well. My vision blurred, my heart hammered against my rib cage and my muscles started to get too tight and weaken. I was panting, trying to stop them from killing me but I couldn't handle all five. Suddenly one was pulled off of me and then two more. I collapsed onto the ground, stunned when I saw Christine's wolf killing one rogue, another tan wolf killing a second, and then a huge black one killing a third.


He bared his teeth as a dark brown rogue ran towards me, she never made it. Veloces tore into her throat and threw her aside. Her limp form crashing into a grey rogue that the tan wolf took care of. I shifted back, unable to hold my wolf form. I felt someone licking my wound on my leg. I slowly turned to see Veloces trying to stop the bleeding.

He looked at me, his blue eyes swarming with concern as he slowly walked up towards me. He shifted back and carefully scooped me up, pulling me against his chest. I rested my head on him, not feeling the greatest as he kissed my temple.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"For what?" he asked, standing up.

"For rejecting you."

I woke up to see bright lights, making me wince as my eyes adjusted. Once they did I studied the room; it was white and light tan, it smelled of medicine and cleaning products. I scrunched up my nose, way too strong for a werewolf's nose. I felt someone move beside me and snapped my eyes over to them.

Veloces looked at me and smiled a little, "You're awake."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You stayed?"

"Well, yeah, you're my mate. I think...unless know..." he trailed off, looking at me with a broken expression.

"I take back my rejection." I grinned. "I would say you owe me, but you just saved my'm pretty sure that's good enough. However, you are getting medicine for your anger or every single time you lose your temper, I kick you where the sun don't shine."

"But, darling, don't you want pups?" he smirked.

I smirked back, "Adoption, sweetheart."

He opened his mouth to say something, but sighed. "Fine, I'll get medicine."

"And therapy."


"Yes tell me what happened in your past."

He looked at his hands, "I don't want to."

"Why not?" I groaned. "I'm your mate."

"Yes,'ll probably think of me as a monster for how I ended it."

I stared at him, "You mean, ended your father?"

"You already know?" he asked, looking back at me.

"Olivia told me some of it, but just a brief summary. For the whole story, I need to ask you. I understand if you're not ready, but whatever you did to your father, he deserved it. He abused you for years and murdered countless number of innocent lives. He was pure evil, Veloces."

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