Seize The Opportunity

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After World Tour, however in this one-shot, Branch didn't confess his feelings yet.


The queen of Pop Village was absolutely stunning, there's not a moment where his breath wasn't caught in his throat due to her beauty. Her laughter, he could hear all day, it was a sound he couldn't get enough of.
Every aspect of hers had no flaw, not in the absolute.

She was everything. Everything he had imagined for a perfect troll. Just everything.

However, Branch was well aware his love for her would be unrequited. He noticed the way she would look at her friend, Hickory. With a stare he longed to rise out of her, holding immense care and affection. Her lips curled into a soft, tender smile whenever he was around.

He was painfully aware, that he'd never be painted in the light she saw Hickory in. Every time he'd step into Pop Village for any resources, it was a painful reminder. Seeing those two so close to each other, in a way Branch hoped for.

Delusional. He was deluded with hope. Not only did he regain his colors through his journey with her, he grew a beautiful, affectionate friendship with Poppy. And that fueled his imagination, it fueled his wishes to become something more to her.

Lord, if only. Please, give me the chan-

"Branch! My man!" Her sweet voice interrupted his thoughts. She threw her arms over him, embracing him into one of her bone-crushing hugs. Branch responded with a chuckle, sliding his arms around her tiny waist.

"Hey, Poppy." He greeted softly, enjoying the physical touch. Never could he hate it, not when it's her.

His disappointment rose as soon as she broke apart from him, her innocent eyes meeting his as she swayed on her feet. "I couldn't wait to see you, I was looking everywhere." She said, her pink cheeks glowing a darker shade to Branch's surprise. Yet, he decided to not think much of it.

"Oh really? What's so important that you decided to abandon your queenly duties to look for me?" He couldn't help the lovesick grin on his lips, it only grew as he reveled in the words, realizing how much of importance he was to Poppy. Beat that, Hickory!

Poppy fiddled with her fingers, not daring to make eye contact as she whispered, "I missed you." She finished with an awkward laugh, hoping that he would pick up on the hints she'd been dropping for the past week.

Although Branch was very aware of most things, he certainly couldn't understand when someone would flirtatiously compliment him. When it came to such, he was painfully oblivious.

  Curse him and his cute insensible brain. At least, he didn't catch onto other female trolls flirt with him, or else she would've stepped up her game. Poppy just couldn't allow another to grab ahold of Branch's heart, no one else but her.

  Yes, just her. It will stay that way. Never will she let him slip out of her grasp if she were to finally achieve his undivided love and affection.

  Lord, I am begging! Make him realize my lo-


  Poppy snapped her eyes towards Branch, meeting his blue eyes filled with concern. Oh! But the way her named rolled off his tongue, so gentle and sweet; it engulfed her insides with happiness and turned them into mush. She wanted to hear her name called by him a thousand times. A thousand more just to swim in the pool of bliss and permanently etch that feeling into her skin.

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