Loosen It Up

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During their mission to Bergen Town

Prompt; Exhausted from the relentless walk to Bergen Town, Poppy decides to take a few minutes to relax.

"So... Branch?" Poppy tiptoed closer to his side, glancing around their surroundings to keep their safety at check. Satisfied, she placed her focus entirely on him. Hoping they can come to a stop for a quick five minute break, Poppy halts.

Branch failed to hear her footsteps behind him, groaning as he turned around and met with the sight of a pink troll sitting against what he could describe as a tree. His brows knitted together, frowning with a clear expression of annoyance.

"No. No, no. We are not stopping now." He argued, making his way towards her and abandoning the trail they were following.

Poppy hummed and closed her eyes, "I think we need to relax for a moment. We've been walking for hours." She noticed how tense their bodies were during their journey. A massage would really do wonders for them.

Branch glared. "No we do not. Now pick yourself up and let's get going." He turned his back to her, surprisingly expecting her to do as told. As he realized she wouldn't budge from her spot, Branch sighed and caved.

"Fine. Just for a few minutes! Only because my feet are starting to get sore."

He sat beside her, leaving a good margin of space between them. The atmosphere became silent, comfortable and peaceful. They allowed it to be for a brief moment, enjoying it as they both stared at the sky. A lively blue; big, fluffy milky white clouds painting it as the sun's light peeked through them.

Poppy turned to her left, carefully observing her friend's profile. His eyes softened and his lips dared to curl into the tiniest smile, yet it would be genuine. He seemed so, at ease. It was different to the usual expression on his face back in Troll Village.

She tried leaning closer to him, like an invisible force was attracting her to his body. He was absolutely mesmerizing under the sun's warmth and bright rays of light. It complimented his gray skin, and she felt the sudden longing to graze her own against his.

Branch sighed, breaking the momentary silence, startling her as she jerked back. He turned to look at her and frowned, the peace within his expression immediately being masked away like it had never been there in the first place.

"Alright, time's up. We need to get moving."

Poppy blinked, several times before reality sunk in. She was on a mission to save her friends, not on some silly date with Branch, the village's grump, like she was picturing in her head. Flustered, she coughed into her fist and jumped to her feet.

"Ah! Y-Yeah, sure! Let's get moving." She choked out, and scurried away, towards the trail they were following. Branch eyed her weirdly before running after her.

BROPPY ONE-SHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang