Always an Angel, Never a God

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Prompt; Relationships aren't always so easy, there will always be rocky moments in which one of the two would insinuate an argument. However, this mistake doesn't compare to the previous ones that Poppy has made.

  "Why?" Is all he asked, the hurt noticeable in his furious tone. His eyes didn't dare leave hers, hoping to find the answer in them. But, the tears welling up masked any truth that it could provide; and although he wished to welcome her into his arms, he didn't.

  Her voice only came out as a whisper, nearly giving out as she could sense how disappointed he was. There was no solution to this mistake, and honestly, she didn't expect one.

  "I don't know," Poppy tried to reach out to him, instead, he backed away from her touch, disgust taking over his features. That stung, badly. "I didn't mean to-"

"BULLSHIT!" Branch shouted, flaring up at her. He noticed her flinch, yet, he held back from apologizing. His sudden outburst didn't compare to her actions. She didn't deserve to hear the gentleness in his voice—the love and affection he held for her.

No, she didn't deserve it.

Not anymore. Not now, and not anytime soon.

He turned away from her, his vision clouded blurry by droplets of tears. Branch couldn't stand to look at her any longer, it pained him. Those pink, soft lips were claimed by another, giving him the satisfaction of tasting the sweet taste of butterscotch.

Her body: it was explored by him, feeling every inch and being able to provide her the pleasure that she was seeking. She would make those addicting sounds, rewarding him for making her feel like she was on cloud nine.

All that Branch believed was for him, only for him, was secretly being given to another.

"It's funny. So fucking funny," Branch bitterly laughed, his voice cracking in between his words. He glared at the rustling trees, focused on the movement as to not be tempted to look at her. "I thought, Poppy is the one for me. I love her so much, I want to marry her one day." With each word, his body would become heavier.

The same words that would replay in his head, before this mistake, became nothing. They no longer held sentimental value, just empty promises.

Poppy exhaled with a broken sob. "I want to marry you one day, too! I love you so much, so much!" She touched his shoulder, only to be shoved away harshly. Her eyes widened, afraid.

This just might be the end.

The end of their two year relationship.

"No, you really don't. If you did, you wouldn't seek warmth from another. You wouldn't even try to think about it knowing you had me."

Without holding back, he allowed himself to finally break. His knees buckled, dropping onto the ground, uncontrollably sobbing as his body trembled. He clenched his fists, angrily pulling on his shirt. How could he allow something like this to happen?

Was he not enough? Why was he never enough?

"I-I loved you, so fucking much. I t-tried to give you everything, P-Poppy!" Branch cried, hugging himself while she only listened. She didn't try to get close to him, she didn't try to cut him off. Poppy only listened, giving him the opportunity to lash out on her.

"I worked two jobs, just to save up for an engagement ring. I had it all planned out! But, I just had to find you in OUR bed with him!" Branch turned to look at her, hatred filling his teary eyes. Poppy backed away slightly, taken by surprise and hurt.

To see such a nasty expression pointed at her, Poppy never believed such day would come.

Silence filled the air, neither breathing out a word. The wind whistled into the night sky, the breeze tickling their skin. Poppy hung her head low, ashamed of herself, and completely hating the way she enjoyed the night prior. How could she, really.

Branch had sacrificed so much for her, done so much for her. Anything she desired, he would place it within her reach. Everything was perfect, their relationship was one others would envy.

So why? Why did she jeopardize their relationship for a measly one-night fling?

"I'm sorry, Branch." She apologized, lifting her head to look at him. All that could be found was an empty shell; the once happy, affectionate troll being replaced with a bitter, grumpy soul.

Branch lifted himself from the ground, tired eyes meeting hers. He stepped closer, to her reach, and cupped the side of her face. Stroking her warm skin, gently, Branch sighed.

Just one last time.

He closed the space between them, pressing his lips against hers in a small, bittersweet kiss. His hands rested on her waist, his thumbs drawing circles on her sides. Poppy melted into his touch, aware that this was the last time they'd be so close.

The last kiss they would share.

Branch pulled away, taking a few steps backwards to keep an appropriate distance between them. "I'm going to move out. I don't want to leave you out on the streets, I'm not that kind of person." He turned his back to her, ignoring her pleading gaze.

"I wish you a good life and future," Branch whispered, "Goodbye, Poppy." And with that, he disappeared into the night—leaving behind the memories they shared, with a broken heart.

wanted to do something way different, and honestly, i don't know if i like this one or not 😭

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