a Box of Chocolates

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Prompt; Valentine's Day, the holiday in which two would come together to celebrate their love, or begin the journey of a new relationship through the simple tradition of exchanging gifts, cards decorated in glittery letters peppered with small hearts, and either of the pair taking their partner out for an enjoyable meal.

Branch hopes to acquire the experience, and foolishly attempts to woo a certain pink troll.

  BRANCH tugged at his vest, nervously watching the target of his surprise gift. He hid well in the thicket of bushes, prepping his hair with sticks and leaves in an attempt to camouflage himself perfectly. Although, a few bypassing trolls were quick to notice him, giggling quietly to themselves.

  He held in his breath as he watched her play with the strings, excitedly yet carefully pulling apart the neatly wrapped box. With a final tug, the lid slid off, revealing a handmade necklace. It was.. a very weird looking piece of jewelry, as if made by a child. He couldn't help but wince as he saw her examine it with curious eyes.

  However, the poor quality didn't faze her. With a huge smile, she called out to a familiar troll who happened to be strolling by. "Hey, DJ! Can you help me put this on?" Her sweet, polite voice echoed throughout the area, and her question was replied with a nod.

  DJ Suki grabbed the necklace from her hand, bringing it to their eye-level before doing as asked. "Ah, did one of your students make this for you? It's cute, Poppy." They smiled, placing themselves behind the princess, adjusting the necklace around her neck.

  Branch felt himself scowl at their words. He shook his head, their opinion didn't matter. If Poppy was willing to wear it, then it was of enough sentimental value for her to do as such. That was enough to entice the smallest smile on his lips.

  Poppy shrugged, her ears twitching at the little click the necklace made. "Nope! I have quite a feeling of who did, but I'll wait until he reveals himself." She eyed the bushes a few feet away from her, seeing the leaves rustle as her gaze landed on them.

  DJ Suki stepped away, eyeing the poorly made jewelry with a smile. They instantly noticed the perfectly carved wooden poppy, as it dangled lightly with Poppy's movements. Clean edges, a sparkle of red glitter decorating the surface to create a unique look, and a red gemstone resembled the carpel. The effort was begging to be recognized.

  And, the centerpiece was a clear giveaway of who this mysterious admirer could be.

  With a hum, "Yeah.. I think I do, too. Let's see how long it'll take for him to man up and ask you out." DJ Suki patted Poppy's shoulder and headed towards the bakery, where they planned to gorge themselves with sugary sweets and pastries.

  Branch ditched his hiding place as he watched Poppy skip away while yelling out the first few lyrics of a song, revving up the entire population of trolls into another routine of singing.

  DJ SUKI snickered, a few crumbs of their chocolate sprinkled donut spilling out of the corners of their mouth. "So, the Princess of Troll Village? Who would have ever guessed." They leaned back into their chair, placing their arms behind their head.

  Branch propped his cheek against his palm, eyeing the messy table surface with disgust. "Can you at least finish eating before you talk? Mannerisms, Suki." He grabbed a napkin from the pile beside him, tidying up with a huff of mild annoyance.

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