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Henrietta Marshal had been a widow for almost two years now, since the passing of her husband Geoffrey, which had been quite sudden, due to a weakness in his heart. It had been a terrible blow to her at the time. Their only daughter Beth, had just married successfully the year before, and had moved with her new husband to his estate in Scotland, so Hettie had felt the loneliness of having no family around her, which was why she was only too eager to help with her niece Rosemary making her debut for her first season.

She was enjoying having something to focus on, that brought her to the forefront of her society, friends and acquaintances again. So she was relishing the opportunity preparing for this supper party even if it was a rather modest gathering, but still there would be prestigious guests having the Duke and Duchess and their son. Adrian in attendance, as well as her brother-in-law Joseph, and lord and lady Montgomery with their daughter Becky and her husband Giles who had been close friends with for years. Rosemary had become acquainted with them briefly during her last visit to London the year before, so wanting her niece to shine and feel comfortable she thought it good to start her off with familiar faces.

So she was feeling quite pleased with herself, feeling sure her evening would be a success

When Rosemary made her appearance with Louisa alongside her. And although the faces there were familiar to Rosemary they were certainly not to Louisa

During her tutelage under Miss Rothwell, Louisa had learned all the etiquette along with Rosemary about dining with a prestigious company. But unlike Rosemary, she had never really had a chance to put it into practice until now. So she was happy to remain in the background somewhat when the guests arrived, trying not to feel awkward. Hettie introduced her as Miss O'Mara, her Uncle Joseph's Ward, who also happened to be Rosemary's companion over the years, since she had come to live under their roof at a young age herself.

Louisa mused to herself that it probably sounded better than introducing her as the poor penniless relation, born from a scandalous marriage and disgraced parents.

But still, she behaved as she felt she ought to, just smiling politely as everyone acknowledged her. But thankfully Rosemary was in her element and ready to sparkle in the company around her, so that she had all the attention when the Duke and Duchess arrived along with their son Adrian

Discreetly eyeing him up. Louisa found he was a fresh-faced young man, dressed in a rather flash extravagant style, in a dark green jacket and black breeches and shiny dark hessian boots that seem to clash purposely with his dark wine coloured waistcoat embroidered with tiny gold flowers, overset with a white cravat at his neck. His blonde hair had a wave to it, but was swept back neatly from his face. His green eyes seemed to take everything in with a lazy interest, being more than familiar and used with the company he was surrounded with, but his gaze became a little more keener with curiosity, when he was introduced to Louisa

"Ah, so you are cousin Louisa, whom Rosemary often talked about during her last visit, to London, It's good you could finally come along this time, it's nice to make your acquaintance at last" he smiled disarmingly, and suddenly Louisa understood why Rosemary was taken with this young man, who had manage to make her blush, even though she was his elder by perhaps three years or so.

"Thank you," she found herself murmuring, whilst wondering what exactly her cousin had been saying about her.

His attention now turned on her cousin, his smile widening and a warmth lighting up his green eyes, "And of course Rosemary, I am delighted to welcome you back, you are looking rather ravishing tonight, far from the school girl Miss I recall. What a difference a year makes. I am so looking forward to spending time getting to know you better during your forthcoming season, that's it if you will have the time for me, you will more than likely fighting of all those other dashing beau's who will no doubt be lined to get your attention, when you make your proper debut, I am privileged that I have had the chance to be already acquainted with you, hopefully it will hold sway"

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