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Alex arrived at Thornview with the added urgency that he knew his time frame was somewhat limited, He was  aware that the Hettie Marshall,  who had now returned to London, had informed the Duchess that Louisa had applied for the post of Governess to a family In Leicester, and was hopeful of being accepted, after her Uncle Joseph had made it clear he had expected her to be gone by the end of the month.   

He was just hoping  things had no progressed any further when he finally found himself knocking on the front door.

When the manservant opened it, Alex announced who he was, and that he had come to see Miss O'Mara.   

The manservant looked slightly taken aback on learning this,  since his time at Thornview, which had been over five years,  no one had ever asked to see Miss O'Mara personally. But then,  he quickly composed himself, and realising the from the gentleman's attire and  confident demeaner, that he was of some importance,  invited Alex into the hallway to wait on being received.

Alex waited with a sense of impatience, taking in the hallway and surroundings that had been Louisa's home over the last ten years. He could almost feel an oppressive air in its dark furnishings. 

He soothed himself that at least the servant had not reported that she was no longer  living there, which had in turn,  brightened his hope  in seeing her again.

But then after a short time, of waiting the servant reappeared,  and invited him to follow him, leading him across the hallway and into the drawing room announcing him as he did so.

As he entered the room, his heart hammering in his chest  Alex found himself a little crestfallen to find the only person there was Joseph Chapple, who stood by the fireplace, his hands behind his back, and eyed Alex over with faint curiosity .

"Lord Crayford, my servant informs me you are here to see my niece, which I find highly unusual under the circumstances sir" he spoke up with slight disapproval

"I do not see why, Miss O'Mara and I have become rather well  acquainted when she was in London, so it is not at all unusual I might want to call on her" Alex replied easily as if it were the most natural thing in the world to come pay her a visit if he chose

"Oh, I am quite aware that you are well acquainted with her in London sir, it had the tongues wagging as I recall, and the reason why she had to return here. So surely you understand my concern, of your unexpected arrival" Joseph Chapple's eyes narrowed with suspicion, "I find it all highly inappropriate sir, so what is it you  want with my niece?  Surely you are not foolish enough to end up beguiled by her after all?" he then demanded incredulously

 Alex refused to take the bait, remaining cool, "I would really prefer to speak with Miss O'Mara in person sir, as I feel I do not owe you any kind of explanation and to be honest,  it is not your concern" he replied, his own tone become a little stiff

"Must I remind you  that it is my concern, when its happening under my roof!" Joseph then  challenged, not liking Alex pertinent tone 

"A roof, in which your niece is no longer welcome to share for much longer, and it is also my understanding sir, that you have already washed your hands of her. So, I do not see how  it should be any of your concern at all,  when I believe you  gladly claim she is no longer your responsibility" Alex reminded him meaningfully

Joseph Chapple's  face only  reddened, his scowl deepening, as he became more infuriated, that he was unable to argue on this point .

"It is still an impertinence sir arriving here like this" he then blustered in protest

"Perhaps, and I will apologise for that at least," Alex relented, "But I felt I had little choice in the matter,  and there would be no where else I would be able to meet with her but here, so seeing have have made the effort, I would really  like you to to get one of your servants to fetch Miss O'Mara, or would you prefer I go search for her myself?" he then threatened

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