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On Rosemary's triumphant return from London, Thorn view was thrown into a hive of activity  that it had not seen in quite a while. Preparations to receive a visit from Rosemary's Fiancé  and his entourage were put into action.    Then there were plans to hold parties and balls  with the local gentry and friends to celebrate her success

As Louisa had expected, any sign of ill feeling that Rosemary had held towards her in London, had vanished as if it had never happened. Instead, she graciously insisted her cousin should be involved in the activities for her forthcoming wedding plans.  

Hettie had also come along  to stay with them to help with the occasion, feeling it her duty, as Rosemary was without her mother

Louisa was much gratified that on her arrival, Hettie had done as she promised, and had supplied Louisa with some names of  good respectable families who were seeking a reliable Governess in the near future.    So in-between  helping Rosemary, Louisa decided she could write and make enquiries of some of them, and let them know she would be soon available to take up the post if she was accepted

Rosemary's talk was just of her future wedding and Gaston, and how she was looking forward to being a wife of someone who could be classed as a French diplomat, and all the interesting important people she would most likely meet.   

As for her time in London, she never mentioned Adrian Carstairs, it was as if he never existed. Louisa had her own reason for avoiding the subject, even though there were times her treacherous thoughts strayed, and she wondered how Alex was doing, If he had any success in furthering his charity work and championing the rights of the poor in Parliament. 

Then she would find herself picturing his smile, and the warmth in his hazel eyes, before catching herself on, and scolding herself for even dwelling on such things. She was only thankful they were momentary lapses, as Rosemary kept her busy,   occupying her with helping her  look at materials  and accessories for her wedding gown as well  and her future wardrobe, for her honeymoon.

"It was whilst she and Louisa sat in the drawing room, looking at samples of  various materials a London dressmaker had send them. Hettie came in, with a letter in her hand  she had just finished reading

"Well, I have just received a letter from the Duchess with some surprising news, it seems in the you are not the only one to be wed soon  Rosemary," she informed her niece with an uncertain smile, " As in the last week,  Adrian has offered for Miss Sutton's hand in marriage, and she has accepted"

Rosemary's reaction to this was to  snort scornfully, "They will make a lovely couple I am sure. Although  I never imagined Adrian wanting to settle for someone so insipid, But then, I suppose there wasn't much choice once I was taken, so he to settle for someone, even if it was poor shy little Margery." she said a little mournfully.

  Suddenly, her brow creased into a thoughtful frown, before she spoke up again, "I suppose he might think it will irk me, as she was my supposed rival," she then mused, before sighing somewhat dramatically,  "But I will have to disappoint him, that I feel not a jot of jealousy over this announcement, only that I am happy  that I discovered his true character before her offered for me, and that  I had the sense to choose someone more mature in years, who would look after me in the way I expect" 

Louisa found herself exchanging a confused look with Hettie, it seemed to have slipped Rosemary's recollection,  that Adrian Carstairs at the time, had every opportunity to offer for her hand, but he  had decided not to for some reason. So, his offering for Miss Sutton's hand in marriage, could hardly be brought about out of some spitefulness  to make Rosemary jealous, because she was marrying the Viscount.

But Louisa  decided that perhaps it was better not not to remind her cousin  of this, so kept silent on the matter, as it would only spoil the mood. 

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