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"Oh Alexander, do not look at me that way!" The Duchess implored her eldest son with deep feeling as they sat in the comfortable drawing room of their London family home.

"And what way would that be mother?" Alexander Carstairs returned dryly

"Well,  with the look that tells me you are not happy with me for asking you to do me this one small favour, and you are displeased with me" she replied, "surely you must understand I would not ask' if  I  had any other choice" she added in defence

Alex found himself letting out a sigh that held a hint of his frustration, "I am not displeased with you mother," he then attempted to reassure her, "I just don't understand why I have to deal with it, surely father should be the one. After all, he is the head of the family and Adrian has to listen to him, along with the fact, Fergus is his godson, so what influence could I have over him?"

"Oh, you know how your father is. He is always too preoccupied with the museum and his fossils and ancient wonders, to take my concerns seriously. He claims that young men like to let off steam, and it's just high jinx, and they will settle down" The Duchess informed him with a frown of vexation. "So it's not like I haven't tried. Of course he did not help him by letting Fergus return from France after his latest misdemeanours, and I can tell from I last spoke with your brother Adrian, he is not happy with Fergus return, especially at the beginning of the season,"

She looked openly agitated," I can sense trouble brewing between those two, it's always been the same since they were young boys and they went to Eton together. I need someone to keep them in hand, before they create another uproar like they did when they raced their curricles against each other at Lady Somersby's residence the other year, and Adrian was injured when his curricle turned over and he took a tumble. You know how upsetting it was for me" she then reminded her eldest son

"And Adrian told you afterwards, that he had learned his lesson, and he promised he would not attempt such foolish behaviour again to cause you such anxiety " Alex recalled soothingly.

"I know, but still, it's like he can't help himself when he and Fergus are in the same vicinity of each other, especially when they are in their cups. They will be at this grand ball I am holding in a few days time and I could hardly prevent either of them from attending," His mother then pointed out, "all that I am asking is for you to be there to keep an eye on them. Whether you realise it or not, they do look up to you in their own way, especially Fergus. So I am sure your presence will keep them in check and they behave"

"Perhaps you are right, in that they paid attention to me at one time, but after recent events, and what has occurred, I can not be so sure anymore I have their respect" Alex admitted with a small frown.

"Oh Alexander, you must not talk so, which is why I think it is so much better to show your face. No one blames you for what happened with Mary, you have nothing to be ashamed of. She was the one who behaved abominably, running off with that Earl, on the day she was supposed to be getting married to you." His mother reminded him.

"It's not shame that bothers me, but the looks of pity I will receive, and those gossiping tongues wagging at the Ball when I show my face. You know how it will be" Alex pointed out his tone brittle

"Yes I do, which is why I believe that if at least if you are seen out and about this season occasionally, it will stop the speculation and gossip that you are wearing the willow for that girl and just wasting away with a broken heart and that's why you don't socialise anymore

"Good grief! Is that what they are saying?" he demanded his hazel eyes widening with indignant disbelief, "I mean, yes, I was fond of Mary, and I suppose we got on well together. Our families were clos. It was always assumed down the years that we would just become betrothed in the end. But if she had just told me she and Mark had fallen in love before the actual day, when she left me that ridiculous note, I would have had no qualms in crying off from the wedding, and letting them get on with it. Instead they both created such a mess of the whole affair and made me look a fool"

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