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But,  the first person Alex sought out after  he had changed and refreshed himself,  had been his father,  His failure to accomplish what he had wanted still weighing on the forefront of  his mind

He was pleased to discover his father was in his study writing letters, and  his secretary Mr Chives informed him that the Duke showed no objection for his eldest son to interrupt him in his task  and so he gained entry  easily enough.  "

Alex my boy what brings you all the way here? I thought you planned to remain in London on business if I am right?" The Duke greeted his son. as he invited him to sit in the chair facing him across the desk

"Actually, in the end, it is that business that has send me here with my tail tucked between my legs father" Alex found himself admitting ruefully as he was only to glad to sit down

His father now had a look of concern in his eyes, " Really ? How come, was it that bad?"

"Well, it certainly was not good," Alex replied, and then relayed the attitudes of his fellow politicians, especially the opposition party, had reacted negatively about the bill he had brought forward to help the poor, and his frustration at their response.

"They almost accused me of sedition, and that I should know better" he informed his father grimly, "Just for wanting to make those unfortunate peoples life a little more easier, its ridiculous!"

His father sighed sadly, feeling his son's frustration.

"Alex, Alex" he lamented  as he put down his writing instrument, "You must understand, these people have held and believed  these views for a long time, long before you or I were even born,  and that they are privilege to rule the masses as they feel fit.  Many of them are happy and contented with their lot, so it is not going to change overnight" he then reminded him

"I know what you are saying father," Alex replied, "I don't expect it all  to change over night. All I want them to do is at least listen, instead of just dismissing me as some rabble rouser" he then explained.

"Then don't make your speeches provocative to their ears" His father then advised him "Yes the system is unjust and unfair, but don't remind them that it is their fault. You must use persuasion, convince them that its for their benefit as well, people are always more malleable, if they think they are getting something out of it themselves, and it is worth their while"  he then reminded him dryly,  "and most of all, have patience and get your fellow thinkers on board to support you where they can,  It might take your whole lifetime to achieve what you wish, the thing is you can not throw the head up just because it is not going your way now" he then gently chastised him

"So basically, I must have patience and perseverance?" Alex put it more simply, making his father smile.

"Exactly, and you know you have my support in your endeavours, when I can show it" he then reassured him  

"I know that father, that is why I decided to come and speak to you" Alex replied, "You have had so much more experience in dealing with these sort of people, and you do it so well"

"Yes, well that took years of practice," his father admitted, "and so it is with you my boy"

"I hope your confidence in me is proves to be true" Alex then replied a little more uncertainly,   "unfortunately I did not inherit your patient temperament.

"You inherited something even better, and that is you care about people less fortunate than yourself, with passion to help them, and that is what will get you through"  His father then stated.

The duke was pleased to see his son look less grave and actually smile, "And I am blessed with a wonderful understanding father" he replied warmly He knew he had made the right decision to  discuss his frustrations with him.

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