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"Ah, Miss O'Mara, if I am right?" The duchess addressed Louisa, who suddenly found herself a little flustered when she finally arrived at the museum on the day.  She had been punctually brought there in Hettie's coach, already been filled with nervous anticipation having to arrive alone, knowing she was in such grand prestigious company. But at the same time,  she had been so looking forward getting a chance to finally tour the museum, that she was doing her best to quell this anxiety.

What she had not expected, that when she was shown into the small private room in the museum,  where the rest of the invited party had gathered for the special tour,  was for the Duchess to address her as soon she had stepped through the door.  After all,  up until that moment,  the Duchess had  paid her scant attention, so Louisa was taken aback when she made a beeline for her, then came over and greeted her with a certain familiarity in her tone, that had not been there before.

Quickly recovering, Louisa remembered her place, and bobbed a quick curtsey "Yes your Grace" she then managed to reply, suddenly  aware that others in the room where now staring at her with open curiosity, so she was doing her best to remain composed, as if she spoke to the Duchess every day

"Good, good, I am so glad you could accept my invitation to be here. I hope you will have an enjoyable afternoon ahead of you" the Duchess then continued in a warm manner, looking strangely  pleased much to Louisa's disconcertion

"Oh, I am certain I will your Grace, It's been something I have really been looking forward to" Louisa assured her with genuine gratitude, recovering from her first surprise over the Duchess addressing her in such an unexpected manner, even if she was still a little bewildered by it. " and of course, my cousin Rosemary and her aunt send their regrets that they were unable to come, but I am pleased that I could be here to represent them" she then hurriedly put in, recalling she had promised her cousin to do so

"Quite so my dear, hearing that makes this whole thing  somewhat worthwhile" the duchess then murmured with a  satisfied smile, but before Louisa could really dwell on what she meant by her last remark, she then continued, "We will be getting underway soon, I believe there is just a few more to arrive" she glanced around her to check the rest of the company in the room which consisted of four older gentlemen and two ladies, none of which Louisa was familiar with, but she smiled politely in acknowledgment, trying her her best not to feel awkward an inadequate  in their presence

But relief came her way when the next guests soon arrived. It turned out to be Miss Sutton with her mother. At least these people, she vaguely knew and had spoken to. Miss Sutton also  looked pleased to see her there as well,  and after  addressing the duchess to thank her for the invitation. Miss Sutton immediately joined Louisa, "Oh, I am so pleased that there is another female near my age present" she then confided quietly "Is Rosemary not here with you as well?" she then enquired  glancing around her.

"Rosemary and her aunt couldn't make it I am afraid, its not quite their idea of an interesting afternoon" Louisa explained in a low tone, "But I was happy to come along and represent them, I have been wanting to visit the museum for a while now"

"I have been here before when I was younger," Miss Sutton admitted, "but when we got the invitation and it was for the Dukes benefit we decided to come, Mama thought all the family would be in attendance too,  but it seems not" there was slight disappointment in Miss Sutton's tone, that told Louisa she was most likely referring to Adrian Carstairs in particular.  

Though, she supposed it had been a good thing that her cousin Rosemary had  not come along after all  with the same thought. Finding no Adrian there, she probably would have sulked and made the day miserable for everyone else, being forced to tour the museum without getting any personal  benefit for her self.  

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