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On returning to business in London a few days later, Alex, spurred on by the realisation that  soon, in the near future, he might no longer enjoy the company of Miss O'Mara, decided  he would make the most of it while it did last. 

So he ignored his Mother's warning about how people would talk.  In his mind  he reasoned it would only be for a short time period  anyway,  as the season would soon come to an end, and this time next year his doomed  brief friendship with her would mostly likely be forgotten

As the weeks went by, those in their social circle, had noted and made comment on how often  Alex was seen in the company of Mrs Marshall and her niece, and they  had started to speculate that he had  perhaps thrown his hat into the ring, and was perhaps dangling after Miss Chapple just as much as his younger brother.  

But then, they also began to realise through time,  it was not Miss Rosemary Chapple he seemed to have fixed his interest in, but her cousin Louisa, whom he seemed to be spending his time  and conversing with, when he  happened to be in their company. 

It began raise eyebrows in certain circles, and caused the tongues to wag. after all it was not like Miss O'Mara, as respectable as  she appeared was nothing but a poor relation depending on the charity of her Uncle and without a penny to her name, could possible be deemed a suitable match, and they could not understand his interest in her.  

Alex might not have cared about such speculation and gossip, but when Hettie Marshall realised what way the wind was blowing, she became very concerned, and found herself speaking of it openly to Louisa one afternoon, as t she and Rosemary sat in the parlour with her, attending to some needlework.

"You know, its very nice that  Alexander Carstairs has taken to  you, and thinks of you as a friend of sorts lately,  but surely he must realise that paying you all this particular attention is going to cause some interest in the wrong quarter" she said with slight agitation.

"Is that how it is Ma'am?" Louisa asked,  having an inkling that it might occur, whilst still  hoping she was wrong, But, on hearing Hettie voice her concerns aloud, she felt her heart sink a little in dismay.

"Well yes, people are starting to note how he seems to always accompany his brother when he is in our company, and even though it is all respectable, they are remarking on how much interest he shows in speaking with you, more than the rest of us" she then pointed out  

"They must live very unproductive lives to notice such things, and blow them into something it is not" Louisa replied sadly

"That is the way of the world my dear," Hettie replied in agreement, "and it is why we must bide our actions,  Oh I know that you do not encourage such attention from him, but what can one do? We can hardly ignore him when he decided to spend time with us; what  with him being the future Duke, and a I being a friend of his mother's" she then pointed out

"Well I think its all a hum!" Rosemary spoke up, "If anyone listened into their conversations as we have been able to do, they will know that they only talk of what books they have read, and poets they like, and discussing  charity work, its all very dull, and hardly romantic or like they are flirting with each other, so it is ridiculous that  they suppose Adrian's brother has any sort of interest in Louisa that way, "

"All the same, people always want to make something out of nothing, and try and turn it into  some sort of scandal" Her aunt replied. 

"I understand what you are saying Ma'am" Louisa spoke up. "It would not do for people to go on speculating, and making a mountain out of a molehill. Perhaps I have been a little lax lately in allowing  it to happen, because as Rosemary has pointed, out it is all rather innocent to us, but apparently not to others".  She now looked decisive as she continued to speak,  "When I  find myself in his company again, I think I will stress this to him, so that he realises how uncomfortable it will be if all this gossip reaches the Duchess ears. I am sure he will understand"

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