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 It was only for the sake of Louisa's  good reputation  that  Alex  continued to force himself to keep his word. Although he was finding  it was certainly not easy when he encountered her in public, and he only allowed himself to  give her the merest acknowledgment as he should. 

Hating have to do so, he avoided such situations when possible. So, threw himself back into preparing his charter bill for helping the poor, in an attempt to once more get it through Parliament, which kept his mind preoccupied.   

The season was  almost coming near its end, Louisa found herself grateful to  Rosemary  for taking the attention of her and her friendship with Alexander Carstairs.  Now the gossips  were more interested in speaking of  her  cousin's conquests.  It seemed the young pretty heiress had brought it down to a two horse race, between the French Viscount, and Mr Adrian Carstairs that seemed intent of claiming her hand.  So  which one would  be that she would accept as a marriage mate?"

Unlike Louisa, Rosemary was happily basking and enjoying having all the attention on her,  finding it amusing and entertaining that she was the  talk of the London set and she was causing such a stir.

"I think after tonight, Adrian, or Mr Dupont will approach me with an offer of marriage," Rosemary mused, as she was getting ready for one of the last main Balls of the season, "Perhaps  they both will, But who should I accept," she pondered with an expression of  pained indecision, "they both have their different merits, which I find I admire. I at a loss who I will end up having to disappoint" she then sighed heavily

 "I am sure when the times comes, you will go with your heart" Louisa replied dutifully. She for one was glad that it would soon all be over and she could escape London, she knew it would be much easier when she returned to Devon and there were no reminders of Alex Carstairs, that made her heart feel a strange heaviness  she felt she had no right to feel, when she realised he was going to be no longer a part of her life.

"Tonight's Ball will be interesting, I plan to see which one is the most eager, perhaps that will help me make up my mind who deserves my hand" Rosemary then said with a small smile.

"Playing your games to the end Rosie? That will be entertaining for the gossips " Louisa remarked dryly,  feeling that her cousin enjoyed the attention a little too much, even more sometimes than the thought of finding a husband.


Alex was inwardly wondering if he was  a glutton for punishment as he entered the Ball room that evening.  He knew  that this might be the last time he would ever have the chance of setting eyes on Louisa again.  But despite this he found himself needing to be here, to perhaps get a chance to speak to her discreetly perhaps for the last time, and letting her know he wished her well for her future whatever it held, and that he would be thinking of her.

Even though he arrived with his brother Adrian, he made no attempt at first to join his brother when he went over to greet Rosemary Chapple, who standing alongside Mrs Marshall and Louisa, acutely aware that all eyes would be on them tonight. 

 Although Adrian must have mentioned his being there, because he noted Louisa searching the room with her eyes, until she caught sight of him, and even deemed his with a slight smile, which lifted his hopes a little, that she was pleased to see him, and might indeed be happy to have the opportunity to speak with him before the night was through.

Rosemary in the meantime was in her element, having Adrian there as well as her French Viscount to pay her attention. Knowing Mr Dupont seemed somewhat overconfident that his wooing had won her heart and hand, she decided to make it plain to him that  it might not be the case, and so she gave Adrian her special attention, just to see how his rival would react.

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