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It seemed the Duchess's plan had worked much to her satisfaction, Miss Hanson, after sitting through supper with Miss O'Mara, seen  the both of them occupied mostly conversing  with each other than anyone else at the table. Then it appeared Amelia had decided to take her under her wing for their remainder of their short stay.  

She made a point of informing the Duke how Miss O'Mara admired his work, and suggested that he should also  show her his private collection he kept, whilst she had the chance to do so staying under his roof.

Louisa, had not been expecting this, she felt her  face redden and  she became flustered as all attention now turned on her. She felt sure the Duke would not want to accommodate this request when she was almost the least important person in the room,  and feeling Miss Hanson had perhaps overstepped the mark  to make such a request on her behalf.

But that had not been the case, The Duke had looked down the table at her,  with slight surprise to discover this, then he had smiled, "Why, of course, It would be my pleasure to do so. Its not often one of my wife's guest takes an interest in my work" he spoke up seeming more flattered than put out.

"Th-Thank you your Grace" Louisa managed to stammer in reply

Miss Hanson then turned her attention on the Duchess and Hettie, "You do not  mind that we borrow Miss O'Mara tomorrow afternoon, I find we have much in common with her in a way,  it seems we are both doomed to remain unmarried maidens, and as much as I know, she needs to be  mostly at Miss Chapple's side, I am sure she will not mind doing without her for a few hours?"

"Well, I am sure it will be fine with Mrs Marshall," the Duchess spoke up, eyeing Hettie  with a pleading look, before addressing Miss Hanson again " I imagine, It will be more agreeable for you having her company because I know, you will find our little  ladies tea party tomorrow a dead bore and not want to attend"

"Exactly, so," Amelia Hansom replied, knowing the Duchess had no wish to have her in their company

"Well, yes, I am sure it will be alright, I can keep an eye on my niece for a while, and let Miss O'Mara keep you company as you wish" Hettie reluctantly agreed. She had some reservations  about the woman and  how Louisa might be influenced by Miss Hanson's unusual views. But she also  realised that  this was what the Duchess expected her to reply,  and she could hardly go against her wishes.

"Good,  then that is  the matter settled then" Miss Hanson seemed much satisfied as she now turned to address Louisa,  "So,  Miss O'Mara, its seems we will enjoy each others company for a little longer before me and my brother leave tomorrow evening,  how fortunate for us" she smiled with a mischievous twinkle in her eye

"Yes, I suppose it is," Louisa  managed to murmur in reply, still finding herself  a little stunned at this turn of events, and discovering she had  an renewed admiration for Miss Hanson and her manoeuvring of events that she  herself wouldn't dare try to make happen


Alex Carstairs moved his horse at a steady trot along the roadway that led to his parent's Country retreat.  At first had had not intended to leave London, being greatly occupied with try to get his Bill through parliament  to help those less fortunate.

 But it seemed that  the majority of his peers came to the conclusion that to educate the  poor working class, and giving them any sorts of rights, would mean they might get ideas above their station, and it  could lead to some sort of revolution, which had occurred in France. So they showed great reluctance for such radical ideas to be put forward much to his frustration and anger,  He realised he had to get away before he said something that would cause them to imply he was a revolutionary, and try and besmirch his name. 

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