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Alex hoped that his mother would be proved right, and that his appearance at the ball would satisfy,  and put an end to the ridiculous rumours he was languishing away after being unfortunately jilted at the altar by his betrothed over a year ago.

He had gone out of his way to make sure  that his man had  fitted him in such finery for the evening, it  would show he was in no state of neglect with his appearance at least. Entering the crowded ballroom, he braced himself, knowing all eyes would be on him.   Yet despite this, he forced himself to smile, whilst  cordially exchanging  brief greeting with those who spoke to him, acting as if he did not have a care in the world as he searched the room for his mother. But in the end, she found him first, and made her way through the crowds to greet him

"Oh Alexander, I am so pleased you came after all, I was fretting you might change your mind and not show" she admitted, after he greeted her with a brief kiss on her cheek

"As tempting as that was mother, I decided that I could put up with my own personal discomfiture for a few hours as I did not want to fail you, After all, I could not neglect doing my duty towards my family, which is more  far more important" he informed her with a wry smile

"You are such a good son, I have always thought so, you always put others before yourself," his mother replied warmly, "although, I know tonight will not be easy for you despite this, which makes me appreciate your efforts even more" she then assured him

"Then I am glad I made the effort. You are the only person in this room whose opinion really matters to me" Alex replied with blunt honesty, "now, where is this brother of mine? Has he and Fergus been behaving themselves so far?" he enquired, as  his eyes searching around the room again looking for Adrian.

As it turned out, when Alex finally did find his brother, he was realising he had turned up  just at the right time.  Adrian was hovering near the dance floor, knocking back his drink and looking somewhat sullen as he watched Fergus dancing with Rosemary

"Has the night been so bad  for you already Ade? Mother will be so disappointed to know you ain't enjoying yourself at her Ball"  he remarked a little drolly

Adrian's mood perked up at the sight of his brother, his sullen look replaced with a smile "Alex you made it,  its good to see you here, and if Mother is disappointed with me, I am sure your presence here, will  have cheered her up no end and make up for it" he then grinned. 

"I hope so," Alex replied, "But I know she worries about you as well and wouldn't like to see you such a picture of misery"

"Well, You have Fergus 's unexpected return from France  to thank for that" Adrian complained a little bitterly"

"Ah yes, I can see how  he might be the fly in the ointment" Adrian's tone was filled with  sympathetic understanding, "But you shouldn't let his presence  spoil this season for you, you are no longer squabbling  boys, but young men,  moving  about in civilised society, and you must act accordingly"

"Well maybe you should tell that to Fergus," Adrian's sullen expression returned, "he's only back in London less than a week and look at him already trying to cause trouble  by vying for the attention of  Rosemary Chapple, whom he knows I have fixed my eye on this season"

"I take it that is the dark haired young lady he is dancing with?" Adrian enquired as he stared over at Fergus and his female companion on the dance floor who seemed intrigued and smiling at whatever Fergus was saying.

"Yes, he's just doing it to rile me up, I know he is, I had asked her for the dance and of course, he slipped in and stole her away, now look at him using that snake charm of his to get her attention" Adrian huffed.

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