Sinful Contemplations

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I can't stop laughing. Every time I rethink the events I just laugh. The mixture of words she used, none of which I understood but her voice her height, and how she looked saying them made it funnier

I chuckled to myself earning a questioning glare from the girl I slept with last night who was now fixing her shoe to leave.

"a wah?" she asked standing with her hands fixated on her hips. I eyed her from head to toe before answering.

"Nothing" Leaning further into the chair I answered.

"So why are you laughing?" I furrowed my eyebrows and scoffed at her.

I walked over to my side table took out a band that had probably 10 or more 5,000 JMD bills in it and rested it on the bed in front of her before returning to my spot on the chair.

"You can leave now" Her face beamed as I anticipated while counting it. Why would she not be happy imagine getting paid to sleep with me. Mhmm, I know.

"so yah gimme yuh numba?"


Not fully understanding her question, I do believe she asked for my number.

"No. Now leave" She rolled her eyes before finally taking up her bag and leaving.

The food, 100%
The drinks,100%
The adult females,1000% I chuckled to myself for that one.
The sex, well, the girl earlier is the only girl I've slept with since I've been in Jamaica. The sex was...ok. She did know how to have sex, she was just silent.

I wonder what she would be like in bed.
With her attitude, it's something to think about. Does she have a boyfriend? 9 chances out of 10 she would be good and also have a boyfriend. In one word she was stunning. She was one of the Jamaicans who won the genetic lottery and she seemed bare-faced.

I think she would be good in bed. Her breasts that my hands itched to kneed. Her body that was made to sin, and her plump lips that appeared soft.

Maybe the urge to be intimate with her was strong why she visited my mind often.

I needed a coffee but I also just wanted to sleep for today if I can. I also needed to book a flight for Friday which is the day after today.

I'm getting back to Russia on Saturday. Meaning I'm getting back to my Mafia on Saturday. Leonardo needs to hand over my money on that day, the pending meeting scheduled for Lorenzo and I followed by other unloyal beggars, and make sure things are the way I left them. No developing wars, no one dead in my Mafia without my approval nowhere I owned that was robbed and nothing was stolen along with things I needed to do to make progress.

Yeah, and I needed to visit my mother.

My phone rang interrupting my thoughts.

"Boss, kogda ty vernesh'sya?"
Translation: "Boss when are you returning?"

"Kogda ya vernus', ty uznayesh', chto tebe nuzhno sdelat', eto ubedit'sya, chto kogda ya vernus', u menya ne budet prichin rasstraivat'sya."
Translation: "You'll know when I'm back what you need to do is make sure when I'm back there is no reason for me to get upset."

"Da, nachal'nik"
Translation: "Yes, boss"

"Tak sluchayno, s kakoy tsel'yu ty pozvonil, Ivan?"
Translation: "So random, what's the purpose of your call Ivan?"

"Nichego, ser, prosto proveryayu."
Translation: "Nothing sir just checking"

Saying no more I hang up. I walked towards the bathroom getting ready for what may be my last day in Jamaica.

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