A7 C211: Carpet-style Search

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If you were fortunate enough to be in that hot night, precisely at nine in the evening, you would witness hundreds of young men and women suddenly sprinting through the pitch-black streets, all rushing in the same direction.

The evening breeze tousled their hair, and the swift sound of wind echoed in their ears, yet their steps showed no sign of hesitation. This was a game against time, with the stakes being their victory or defeat and the remaining life of a mute driver—or on a grander scale, the truth behind the death of a pregnant woman.

Pedestrians passing by didn't understand what they were doing. Seeing this peculiar scene, they instinctively moved to the side, their gazes filled with curiosity and uncertainty. Some even pulled out their phones, eager to capture this moment.

On the other side, Jiang Weimian also floored the gas pedal, speeding towards Shishan Road. Seeing the contents of the player chat box, Wang Dabiao stuttered, "Jiang Weimian, why did you publicly release information about the perpetrator?"

Jiang Weimian's face was stern, "We have less than eleven hours until the game deadline. There are sixteen streets and twenty-five parking lots near Shishan Road. Even if we don't sleep all night, we can't search them all, not to mention catching the culprit. Cooperation is the best way."

Wang Dabiao asked, "But what if other teams find the culprit's vehicle before us?"

"Too bad," Shen Zuixing directly answered for Jiang Weimian. While flipping through the notebook with the route map, he lazily said, "Haven't you figured it out? He only wants to catch the culprit now; he's not interested in anything else."

He seemed to understand Jiang Weimian quite well.

He Man also rolled up her sleeves, suppressing her anger, "If we don't catch that culprit, I won't be able to swallow this!"

As for Qian Duoduo, he didn't need to say anything. His adolescent excitement and fiery blood made him want to rush out and confront the culprit right now.

While they hadn't yet reached their destination, Shen Zuixing marked the streets near Shishan Road, dividing them into several areas for easier searching later. Just then, the sound of wind outside suddenly became swift, shaking the treetops, and a refreshing coolness began to spread around.

He Man, feeling it, rubbed her arms with her hands, "Is it going to rain?"

As she spoke, there was a sudden rustling on the car window. Dense raindrops fell diagonally from the sky, leaving a winding trail of water marks on the window.

Wang Dabiao stared in astonishment, "Damn grandma, it didn't rain earlier or later, but it chose this time!"

Jiang Weimian turned on the windshield wipers, finally clearing the view. He saw the three words "Shi Shan Road" on the road sign ahead and immediately stepped on the brakes, urging, "We're at Shishan Road; quickly get off and find the culprit's vehicle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the car door and got out, rushing into the rain. Shen Zuixing and the others, seeing this, also got out of the car immediately, joining him in searching for the traces of the black pst.

Jiang Weimian always felt that the culprit wouldn't casually park the car by the roadside. Seeing a nearby residential area with a security guard dozing off in the guard booth, he propped himself up with his hand and, unnoticed, vaulted over the fence and entered.

Shen Zuixing felt somewhat annoyed by the continuous drizzle. He frowned, muttered something, and then quickly followed Jiang Weimian over the fence, slipping into the parking lot of the residential area.

They rapidly inspected all the vehicles on the basement level, not even sparing the ground-level car sheds. After thorough checks and eliminating possibilities one by one, their clothes were soon soaked through by the rain. Jiang Weimian wiped the rain off his face and sent a message in the player group:

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