A7 C212: Collective Promotion

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Nanyuan Community was on the verge of demolition, and there weren't many residents nearby. Even if there were, most had gradually moved away. Only Qian Guobin and his wife remained on the seventh floor.

Qian Guobin was an ordinary company clerk, usually wearing glasses, with a scholarly appearance. He never picked fights with anyone, never held grudges, as plain as a bowl of plain water, as ordinary as a speck of dust, hardly attracting any attention.

Such a dull personality inevitably annoyed people, especially the wife he spent every day with. Before this, neighbors nearby knew that Qian Guobin's wife had cheated on him.

It was raining outside, making the atmosphere inside the house even more oppressive and eerie. The incandescent light bulb overhead flickered due to not being changed for too long, making the room spin.

Qian Guobin sat in the flickering light, smoking a cigarette. He didn't usually smoke, but now the floor around him was littered with cigarette butts, and his eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion. On the coffee table in front of him lay a stack of photo frames, showing a couple in wedding attire, smiling happily.

The man was Qian Guobin, and the woman was the deceased pregnant woman.

They were a married couple, or more precisely, a couple about to divorce.

But no one knew about the divorce, and the police didn't either. Just like they couldn't guess that a man would be heartless enough to run over his pregnant wife.

Qian Guobin crushed the cigarette butt on the sofa, exhaling slowly. Although his face showed no expression, his eyes were filled with boundless gloom: that water-like woman deserved to die, the wild seed in her belly deserved to die, they all deserved to die...

All deserved to die...

The cigarette burned a hole in the sofa, filling the air with a pungent smell. Qian Guobin was lost in thought when suddenly there was a knock at the door. He couldn't help but frown, "Who?!"

Behind a closed door, nearly twenty people were quietly hiding in the corridor, their eyes fixed on Qian Guobin's door. It seemed like a police operation to capture a suspect, not just to win this game, but more importantly, to catch this man-faced beast-hearted perpetrator.

Shen Zuixing was about to say that he was from the community to offer warmth when Jiang Weimian, with extraordinary foresight, covered his mouth, "I'm from the downstairs property management. I want to talk to you about the demolition."

When Jiang Weimian came up, he saw notices posted in the corridor and guessed that this old community was probably going to be demolished. Qian Guobin didn't doubt after hearing this and hesitated for a moment before getting up to open the door.


Just as he opened the door and saw the scene outside, he was instantly startled. More than twenty people were crowded at his door, with the leading man having a cold and stern face, sharp eyes, staring at him, sending chills down his spine.

Qian Guobin reacted immediately, trying to close the door. However, Jiang Weimian, quick-eyed and quick-handed, blocked the threshold with his foot and grabbed the doorknob tightly. Qian Guobin frowned, sweat appearing on his forehead, "Who are you! It's illegal to trespass into private property!"

Leaning against the wall, Shen Zuixing nonchalantly adjusted his fingernails, "Hey, it's rare that you even know it's illegal."

Expressionless, Jiang Weimian asked, "Mr. Qian, is the black PST in the underground parking lot yours? Can you tell us the license plate number?"

Hearing him mention the car in the underground garage, Qian Guobin's face changed slightly. Feeling his strength draining away, he thought the police had come knocking on his door, "License plate number? I don't know. Hurry up and leave, hurry up!”

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