A8 C248: Detoxification

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The saying goes, "Stealing a chicken only to lose a handful of rice," and it seems to describe Sang Feiwan perfectly. He had only intended to fake an illness to lure Baili Duyue over. He never expected to actually be poisoned. Upon hearing the doctor's words, he was left dumbfounded for a long time.

Gu poison?!

Gu poison?!

He was actually poisoned by Gu poison?!

Who would poison him with Gu?!

After thinking hard, Sang Feiwan suddenly remembered when he and Baili Duyue stole the Empress's hairpin and pearls. They had encountered Duan Yang on the long street. Sang Feiwan had secretly followed him to kill him, but unexpectedly, he was discovered by Fu Yuhao.

At that time, Fu Yuhao brought him into a nearby hall and said something.

"I once took away your cultivation with a Gu medicine. It's about time it should have taken effect. Take one pill from the bottle every ten days, and it can maintain for three months..."

After saying this, Fu Yuhao handed Sang Feiwan a porcelain bottle. Naturally, Sang Feiwan didn’t take it and just threw it into his bag. Now thinking about it, the Gu poison in his body was probably related to Fu Yuhao.

...Damn it!

Thinking of this, Sang Feiwan swallowed a mouthful of blood in silence. He buried his face deep in his hands, his temples throbbing painfully, already regretting why he had written such a thing.

Baili Duyue's face was also dark, and he swept his sleeves, smashing a vase on the ground, scaring the servants in the hall. He gritted his teeth and said to the doctor, "I don’t care what method you use, you must find the antidote, or else—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the chilling murderous intent in his eyes had already explained everything.

The doctor, hearing this, trembled and almost pulled out his beard. He frowned and fell into contemplation, "Although all poisons are the same, they have different sources. This Gu is really strange. I have never seen it before. The White Bone Ghost Domain produces poisonous insects and miasma, and the Si family is good at practicing Gu. Your Majesty should invite Si Wujiu, the master of the Si family. He might know the source of this Gu."

Hearing this, Sang Feiwan glanced at the doctor in surprise, thinking that this old man seemed to be more powerful than he thought. But after practicing medicine for more than a hundred years, he didn't even know what Gu he was poisoned with?!

Baili Duyue's face darkened, immediately ordering someone to summon Si Wujiu to the imperial capital. Then he looked at Sang Feiwan with concern, "Is your abdomen still in pain?"

Sang Feiwan: "..."

Right now, his stomach didn’t hurt, his head did. After all, experiencing the manifestation of such a jinx skill on himself was not a good feeling. Now, there was no need to fake it. His face was pale.

He wasn't afraid of death, but at this moment, he didn't even know what he was afraid of.

Sang Feiwan looked at Baili Duyue, seeing him so worried that he was sweating. He took the cold hand of Baili Duyue and hesitated for a long time before pitifully saying, "Lord... please don't be angry with me..."

He suddenly realized that he cared more about this.

Baili Duyue paused upon hearing this, wondering why Sang Feiwan was still concerned about this at this time. If what Sang Feiwan said was true, he was the soul that took over someone else’s body, and the original "Sang Feiwan" was the undercover spy. Then, wasn't he wrong to blame him?

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