A9 C255: Please Kicked Him from the GC

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The psychological counseling room was a bit too quiet for Xiao Jin'ang. As he sat in the waiting area, he noticed a few people scattered around him. They varied in age and gender, but their expressions were uniformly numb.

Outside the window, the warm sun shone gently, cicadas chirped hoarsely, and with every tremble of the treetops, not only did dust and debris fall, but also their discarded old shells.

The receptionist poured a glass of water for Xiao Jin'ang and handed him a psychological assessment form to fill out. Xiao Jin'ang didn’t know how to answer, so he hesitated and ended up ticking the most severe option for each question.

"Do you often feel sad and want to cry?"
Yes, ticked. Every time the host fails to complete a task, he feels like crying.

"Do you often think about death?"
Yes, ticked. Every time the progress of the task is slow, he wants to end it all.

"Have you ever hurt yourself?"
Yes, ticked. He once plucked a small diamond for a certain host.


After filling out the form, Xiao Jin'ang handed it back to the receptionist. She quickly glanced at it, asked him to wait outside, and then pushed the door open to enter the psychological counseling room.

The room was air-conditioned, and a cool breeze greeted her, making it feel chilly after a while. The atmosphere was tranquil but excessively silent and gloomy. A man in a white coat sat behind the desk, writing something with a braille pen. Hearing the door open, he paused.

The receptionist gently closed the door behind her and walked over to him, "Dr. Ming, the patient scheduled for this afternoon has arrived. I just gave him a simple psychological assessment, and all the scores are relatively high. The situation might be a bit serious."

She placed an information form on the corner of the desk and briefly reminded him of the patient's details, "His name is Xiao, Xiao Jin'ang, male, 23 years old."

Ming Zhou usually wore sunglasses all year round, making it difficult for others to see his expression clearly. Upon hearing this, he simply responded, "I see, please bring the patient in. Thank you."

If one could take off his sunglasses and look closely, his expression was subtly similar to the waiting patients outside, all carrying the same dead and numb look.

The receptionist tidied up the room and pulled up the blinds. She noticed a pot of plants on the windowsill was withering, "Dr. Ming, your plant seems to be dying. Should I water it for you later?"

Ming Zhou looked in the direction of her voice, even though he was blind. Through the sunglasses, he seemed to perceive the dying plant, "No. It's okay, it's dying anyway."

The receptionist hesitated, "Why?"

Ming Zhou nonchalantly replied, "It has bugs and rotten roots, so it's dying."

The receptionist asked, "Should I remove it and replace it with a new one?"

"No need,”

Ming Zhou said, "Just leave it there and let it bask in the sun."

The receptionist knew Ming Zhou had a peculiar temper and didn’t insist further. She poured two glasses of water on the table and then turned and left. Shortly after, the sound of the door opening echoed again, and she brought in Xiao Jin'ang.

The receptionist gestured with her hand, indicating a soft sofa near the window. "Mr. Xiao, please have a seat. If you have any concerns later, you can discuss them with Dr. Ming. No one will disturb you, and if you need anything, just ring the bell."

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