A8 C236: Rules of the Emperor

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At night, a campfire was lit in the camp. However, under the attack of the pungent smells on both sides, everyone felt dizzy and nauseated. The barrier set up by Baili Duyue seemed to lose its effect after a few hours. As time passed, the smell became more pronounced, and many people had to vomit by the roadside.

Sang Feiwan sat beside the campfire, staring at the food in front of him without any appetite. He covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief, regretting writing such a smelly setting. He felt like he was suffering from his own karma.

He walked to the side of the carriage, lifted the curtain to peek inside, and saw Baili Duyue sleeping peacefully on the bed. Only then did he return to sit by the campfire.

Baili Duyue had just passed out, probably because another personality was about to awaken.

Thinking of this, Sang Feiwan couldn't help but remember the mole spirit he had encountered by the lake that night, poking the ground with a stick. He wondered about his original identity.

However, no matter what, the person who was sent to spy on Baili Duyue must have malicious intentions.

Sang Feiwan sat in a concealed position, so no one noticed him. As the night deepened, he was about to return to the carriage to rest when suddenly, a rustling sound came from the distant bushes. Then, a mound appeared on the flat ground, bulging outwards.

Sang Feiwan's footsteps paused, thinking it couldn't be that "mole spirit" again, could it?

He picked up a stone from the ground, hid it behind him, and quietly approached the mound. Before he could do anything, with a loud noise, a head popped out from the ground, surprisingly the same mole spirit as before.

The mole spirit seemed to be affected by the pervasive smell in the air. Sang Feiwan clearly saw him roll his eyes, dry heave, and pant heavily for a long time before finally calming down.

The mole spirit didn't notice the stone hidden behind Sang Feiwan. He struggled to climb out of the hole and grabbed Sang Feiwan's ankle, panting, "I finally found you, Sang Feiwan. The master has something for you to do."

Sang Feiwan, one hand hidden behind him and the other lifting his robe, squatted down and asked indifferently, "Oh? What is the master command?"

The mole spirit gestured for him to come closer and whispered, pulling out a small medicine pouch from his pocket, "Tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday banquet. There will surely be drinking at the banquet. The master orders you to secretly put this medicine into Baili Duyue's cup. Don't make any mistakes."

Sang Feiwan hesitated slightly at the words, "Medicine? What kind of medicine?"

The mole spirit frowned, "This is the master's order. Just do as you're told, don't ask unnecessary questions."

Sang Feiwan, seeing that he was unwilling to explain, accepted the medicine pouch, pretended to agree, and subtly asked, "Where is the master now? When can I go and pay my respects?"

The mole spirit looked silly and clumsy, but his mouth was extremely stern. Hearing this, the mole spirit glanced at him suspiciously, furrowing his brows and saying, "Once you finish this task, there will be an opportunity to meet the master. Be careful, don't expose yourself in front of Baili Duyue."

Sang Feiwan saw that the mole spirit hadn't spilled any useful information and gritted his teeth in silence, wishing he could throw a stone at him. But fearing to alert the enemy and make them think he was rebelling, he had to hold back.

Sang Feiwan frowned, "I got it, hurry and leave, don't get caught."

The mole spirit looked around and, seeing that no one noticed him, immediately disappeared into the ground. Seeing this, Sang Feiwan stood up, took a stone hidden behind him, threw it far away with a clang, and then stomped around the hole in frustration.

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