A9 C276: The Shirt

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Xiao Jin'ang was a bit stubborn in some aspects, much like a machine strictly following its programmed steps, never allowing any mistakes. He remembered buying two boxes of little pink condoms in total. Now that Ming Zhou had lost one, he could only use the other one.

Ming Zhou didn't hear Xiao Jin'ang's response but only the sound of him rummaging through things again, thinking he might indeed be angry—

Although there was really nothing to be angry about. But Xiao Jin'ang's personality was different from most people, and it was hard to say if he had hit a nerve.

In the darkness, Ming Zhou reached out and touched Xiao Jin'ang's shoulder, then reached over to messily ruffle his hair, trying to comfort him, and softly asked, "Should I buy you another box?"

Xiao Jin'ang had already found the other box of little pink condoms and was squatting on the floor studying the packaging. He looked up at Ming Zhou upon hearing his words and continued to open his own box, sulkingly saying, "They're sold out."

There were only two boxes of little pink condoms left on the shelf.

Ming Zhou didn't know that condoms came in different types. Hearing Xiao Jin'ang's words, he subconsciously reached into the drawer and felt a pile of square boxes, "Aren't there many more here?"

"They're different."

Xiao Jin'ang began to educate him seriously, "This one has particles, this one is ultra-thin, this one has ridges, this one is colored..."

Ming Zhou didn't catch on at first, but finally understood what Xiao Jin'ang was saying. His ears turned red, and just as he was about to get up, his wrist was suddenly gripped, and he was pulled back onto the bed by a hot body in the darkness.

Ming Zhou's head hit the bed, and in reflex, he grabbed the man's shoulder. The man was wearing the same white shirt today, and the buttons felt cold but soon warmed up due to the rising indoor temperature.

Ming Zhou was inexplicably nervous because of those strange condoms and his voice tightened, "Xiao Jin'ang..."

Xiao Jin'ang turned off the bedroom light and gazed at Ming Zhou in the dim darkness, his expression focused and serious, making him look less naive than during the day.

Xiao Jin'ang's voice was husky, "Dr. Ming..."

He kissed the man's lips, with the same coquettish tone, only saying four words, "Help me undress..."

It wasn't clear if he meant himself or Ming Zhou.

Ming Zhou, blindfolded, felt his senses heightened in the darkness. He heard a rustling sound above his head, like someone tearing open a package.

Ming Zhou seemed to know what Xiao Jin'ang was doing. His body felt stiff, and he wasn't very good at these things on the bed. He was wondering where Xiao Jin'ang learned these things, "Who taught you to buy these?"

Xiao Jin'ang didn't answer but rubbed his forehead against Ming Zhou's, whispering with a nasal tone, "Help me undress..."

A few strands of hair fell, brushing against the skin and causing a slight itch.

Ming Zhou had an inexplicable possessiveness towards Xiao Jin'ang, and if there were colors on the blank paper, he had to be the one to color it. Now that Xiao Jin'ang had learned some miscellaneous things from somewhere, he felt that something that belonged to him was being touched by others.

In the darkness, Ming Zhou held Xiao Jin'ang's face and asked again, "Who taught you this?"

Finally, Xiao Jin'ang was smart enough not to reveal Sang Feiwan, "Online?"

The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In Progress! [PART 2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang