A9 C280: Extra - Diamond Spirit

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Autumn arrived quietly, and it wasn't until the leaves of the phoenix trees fell that people suddenly realized the scorching summer had passed.

Xiao Jin'ang was lying on the sofa watching TV. The screen was showing some old dramas, such as "Fox Spirit and the Scholar" and "Snake Spirit and the Doctor," in short, stories of monsters and humans.

These old tales of strange happenings might be outdated for young people, but Xiao Jin'ang found them quite fascinating. When he saw the beautiful female monster and the scholar on the screen deeply in love, he felt a bit embarrassed, biting his fingertip and gradually, inch by inch, edging closer to Ming Zhou's leg.

"Don't despise me because I'm a monster," Xiao Jin'ang said.

He was a diamond. No matter how you looked at it, it didn't quite match the image of a monster. But ever since he watched the tales of strange happenings, he stubbornly believed he must be a diamond spirit, and no one could convince him otherwise.

This wasn't the first time Xiao Jin'ang had said this. Ming Zhou, who was initially listening to the TV with his eyes closed, felt a furry head on his leg. Naturally, he reached out to pat Xiao Jin'ang's head and said patiently, "Hmm, I don't despise you."

After saying this, Ming Zhou leaned down and kissed Xiao Jin'ang. The warm and real touch somewhat calmed his heart.

Xiao Jin'ang continued lying on Ming Zhou's leg watching TV. Suddenly, he remembered something and said, "Xu Xian gave Bai Niangzi some realgar wine to make her reveal her true form. You can't do that. It took me so much effort to become human; I can't reveal my true form."

Ming Zhou comforted him skillfully, "You're a diamond. Diamonds aren't afraid of realgar wine."

Since Xiao Jin'ang returned, he had chatted endlessly with Ming Zhou about various things, like there being an interstellar space station in the distant universe, where an executive officer managed many shiny little systems. Each system had to go to the human world to complete different tasks...

All sorts of unbelievable tales.

Ming Zhou was skeptical but felt compelled to believe him. The only thing he was certain about was that Xiao Jin'ang had completely turned into a human and would no longer disappear from this world as he had on that rainy night.

Xiao Jin'ang asked curiously, "Then, what is a diamond afraid of?"

Ming Zhou was taken aback by the question, as he never thought he'd end up with a diamond spirit. After a pause, the uncertainty replied, "Diamonds are afraid of being stolen?"

Xiao Jin'ang was relieved. He buried his face in Ming Zhou's chest and said, "I won't be stolen by anyone."

He always liked to act coquettishly, and it seemed he had become even more so since he returned. Xiao Jin'ang slowly pulled Ming Zhou into his arms on the sofa, and they lay entangled, just like the loving female monster and scholar on TV.

Xiao Jin'ang buried his head and unbuttoned Ming Zhou's shirt button by button. Then he lowered his voice and asked, "Dr. Ming, did you miss me when I was gone?"

His voice was a bit hoarse, but pure like that of a young man, "I missed you so, so, so much."

Ming Zhou didn't speak. The kisses Xiao Jin'ang planted on his neck and the strands of hair brushing against his cheek made him tremble uncontrollably, feeling drained of strength. He let out a low groan, gripping Xiao Jin'ang's nape tightly, wanting to say something but couldn't utter a word, his eyes unfocused.

Xiao Jin'ang nuzzled against Ming Zhou again, his actions similar to Shine, who was currently rubbing against the wall in the corner. With a heavy nasal voice and a sweet, elongated tone, he cheerfully asked, "Did you miss me? Did you?"

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