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She grabbed his hand, and when he turned his face to see her, she released it immediately, wiping it on her skirt and wore on a face like she just touched a piece of dirt.

"Those men you got arrested, what will happen when they take my name? I've married you like you asked. I shouldn't go to jail, please." she whispered,

He smiled and opened the door to his car, which was a white Range Rover that was designed with an alarm on top and Indian police written at the back.

"No. You're taking me to jail, right?"

"We're going to meet your father and sweet mother, Lakshmi. Don't worry. I won't send you to jail."

"I'm not convinced," she replied in a soft whisper. "It is a police car. If you really want to come home, come in my car."

He turned serious and bridged the little space between them, boring his straight eyes into her soft ones, and he uttered with vigour, spewing in his tone. "Your used to be huge mansion is no longer your home, nor is the car you came with yours anymore. You will submit everything your father gave you back because you're now my responsibility. My home and our home is in Delhi. I'm going to meet your parents only to seek their blessings, and after, you won't meet again for a long time."

She closed her eyes, scared of his growing closeness around her and how he stood really close. Her confidence gushed out of her soul, yet her foot remained glued, although she wanted to give them some distance. Her lips, which were now trembling, managed to gather words, namely, "Okay. I will enter."

The breeze that escaped along with him stepping back made her acknowledge he was now away, by which she exhaled a long sigh before opening her eyes and settling inside the car. Without wasting time because it was very late and he had to leave early tomorrow morning for Delhi, he wanted to get back to his hotel room as soon as possible to get some sleep, so he started speeding on the road.

Her blood was already in her thumb, not able to digest the continuous fear evolving in her heart about being in jail, and when he started to overspeed, she feared for her life.

"Ahhh!" she shouted, mumbling, "I'm very scared. I can have a heart attack if you don't reduce your speed." She held onto the seatbelt and wore it for precaution, yet her heart pumped and beat fast, like it would draw out from her chest. She already had no trust for him, and now she doesn't trust even his driving.

"Please stop speeding. I'm not joking. I'm scared." She clamoured, holding her chest and breathing heavily, especially after a car coming before them flashed its horn. She screamed, thinking they would crash into it, but he evaded its route, and she died for some brief seconds because her heart skipped a beat. She closed her eyes throughout the remaining journey, as seeing the road only added to her fear. After the tyres were halted by a jerk inside her home, she opened her gaze, smiling, and opened the door to exit his car when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back in.

"Don't forget about the tape. We're not going to spend more than ten minutes inside. If we exceed it, I will nullify the marriage. Then you'll go to jail." He warned her.

"It is my home. My family. You want me to leave everything......."

"One minute is gone," he responded, not interested in hearing about what she would miss there, and stepped out of the car. She does too, and they started to approach the mansion, which was littered with white bulbs and elegant chandeliers from every angle.

"Have you called her again?" Shraddha asked Lakshmi, as when she tried several times using her phone, she didn't answer. The family got worried and tense because she disappeared without anyone knowing where she went. Anand—her father was seated on the couch; he too picked up his phone and dialled her number again.

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