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As she was going back to Abhimanyu's office, the lawyer's voice repeated in her head about the only solution he came up with, which was that only he could help them secure the bail for her. She waddled into the office, abruptly opening the door that banged against the wall with an assertive tone.

He was on a call with his colleague Raghav, who was confiding him how the money from the drugs got into her account for the first time, when he heard the loud rumble, that made him think something had exploded in the station. He looked at her who was fuming rageously as she remained by the door.

He never pictured her being like that. He thought she was calmer—at least calmer than Poonam—but she turned out the same.

"Keep up the good work," he said, and hung up the call.

"It's past my working time," he proclaimed when she wanted to speak and started gathering his stuff, which included his car keys and some documents.

"I don't care. You won't be leaving this office today without freeing my sister." She began going in while he got up, and their paths collided.

"You're not even allowed to be in this office,"

"Get my sister released right now!" She hit the documents in his hands, causing them to fall to the floor.

"Tell them to let her go," she repeated, staring at him while his lips parted in disbelief and complete astonishment towards the important documents that she intentionally threw to the floor.

"Pick them up now." He matched her gaze, which immediately loosened up the anger she came with, and she bent and picked them up, but withheld them.

"Take me to my sister if you want the files."

"Give them back. They're confidential papers."

"Please let me meet her," she softly implored, and handed them back, but she blocked the door because he wanted to leave.

"I've told you I don't give bails."

"Okay. Then let me live with her, at least. I promised my dad in front of you that I would bring her back. He also told me not to go back without her."

"Come, I'll drop you off at home and explain that you tried your best to keep your promise, however, the circumstances didn't favour you."

"Why are you like this? What if it was your sister at her place? Would you have left her too?"

"My sister would never kill or associate with drugs, and if she were to do that, then she won't remain my sister."

"They framed her. You both dated, fell in love, and married. During the whole time you were together,"

"Let me clarify something to you that I couldn't bring myself to tell your father earlier. My marriage to Poonam was a"

"Protesters have gathered outside the station, sir." He was interrupted by the police officer who appeared in the office, and what he said flowed with air to her as she left there to see what was happening.

"He won't let her be released," Riddhima shared sorrowfully with the lawyer who was walking beside her.

"He will have to now. Ms. Poonam's good deeds are paying off because all those she helped have stormed outside to support her."

"Really?" the news bought happiness in her face.

"See it for yourself," he replied as they reached the window that showcased the massive crowd.

"I told you my sister is innocent. There's no way hundreds of people will come here to support her if she is wrong. Like me, they also believe she's not capable of doing so."

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