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She appeared in the hall along with the woman who called her. The whole family was there—those whom she saw before leaving with Rudra, of course—except the little girl.

"May I know why I was called?" She looked over to his mother, who was on the couch. She too took a seat and crossed her legs to feel comfortable under their stare that they were trying hard to give her, so she could feel insecure about herself.

"I've heard everything you discussed with your childhood friend outside. Wedding in Rome, holidays in Paris, yet my son says otherwise about you. You're publicly cheating."

She gave a long sigh while rolling her eyes, "I condemn cheating and hate those who do it. Like he said, he's a childhood friend. We were discussing his wedding to his girlfriend. But," she took a pause, inducing a sudden awkward silence in the room. "Eavesdropping on people is bad. How could you, despite your age?"

"Stay within your limits," his father shouted.

"You stay within your limits. Next time, don't make the mistake of yelling at me again." She sent him an unworthy look of being in her presence, even though he's not deserving of it.

His mother clamoured, "Are you mad? Has Abhimanyu gone mad? Is this the woman he went and married into our family? Who do you think you are to speak to us in that tone?"

"Those days have long passed when a daughter-in-law has to be obedient to her in-laws. I've married your son, and just to give you all your respect, he wants to marry me again. So, with or without your acceptance, we will get married again. If he calls, do tell him I've said your opinion really doesn't matter because I will marry him for as long as he wishes to marry me." She said as she rose up, rendering everyone quiet as she was extremely rude and disrespectful, even though almost everyone around her was her elder. She started walking to return to the room when she remembered she didn't have any clothes to change into if she took a bath or a brush to clean her mouth before breakfast, so she turned and told them not generalising to anyone.

"Send a new brush to the room immediately, with new clothes, a comb, perfume, Mark Jacobs, or nothing else because I won't use it, then order a healthy meal. Don't forget the soap, and after I bathe, I apply scrub to my skin. Get that too. Moisturiser too. If there's anything else, I will inform you. Kindly make sure everything reaches me soon." She continued to walk to the stairs back to the room, where she carried her phone and met so many missed calls from several people. First, she dialled Lakshmi's line because she saw five missed calls from her.


Her restless voice, laced with worry, spoke, "Where have you been? Your location is in Delhi. Did the man really take you there?"

"Forget about it. You know it won't be forever. I will be out of India, hopefully before the coming week." She inhaled a long breath, hoping Rudra would manage everything and get that passport.

"I spoke to my lawyer, Poonam, for his opinion. He..."

"How could you? I warned you. We can't trust anyone, don't you get it? I will handle it on my own. I've dealt with so many other things. I told you I would handle this too."

"I know. But hear what he said first. You are safe as long as you don't confess to anything, which, thankfully, you haven't. The man was wrong to investigate your life without someone filing a complaint. He bridged the liberty you have in law. We can sue him for that."

"He's a DCP, Mom. They won't do anything to him. I will be the one in trouble."

"A DCP?" Her line went silent for some brief seconds, and she continued, "He took your money. Nowhere in the law does it permit someone to collect money. Technically, he accepted a bribe. That alone is a case he will not get himself out of, and in the meantime, when we get him out of the way,"

"He will expose me. Don't forget he sent different account numbers. How are we sure they are his? What if he has cleaned up all evidence that will link back to him since he is a police officer with knowledge of what is and what isn't allowed by law?"

"The lawyer thought of that possibility. He said, one way or another, that footage must be exposed so that the topic will be dealt with once and forever."

"How? When am I executed?"

"No. We all know you did it, and the punishment for that is obvious. But he will prove you're not mentally yourself when you commited all that, and..."

"What? No way! Was I on drugs then? Or will you turn me into a mad person for the whole world?" She exclaimed, not in approval of that.

"No. Listen to me. This case can be settled when we prove you're not mentally stable. Instead of being executed, you'll be sentenced to a mental asylum for treatment. You will spend a month there as a formality, and after, you will be freed forever."

"Or rather than all this, I will leave the country and change my identity."

"That's not a solution. This matter isn't only about you. It will affect the reputation of the whole family. He proposed another way, too. There are no witnesses. The court can't sentence you based on evidence. We will prove it is fake."

"Despite the report that it's not AI-generated?"

"Despite the report. There are so many ways to save you, dear. Just return home now. I'll book a flight to Mumbai for you. Be at ease because you have many people who love you."

"I'm not sure! I'm scared. He will give them the evidence. They may not even let me leave Delhi," her voice quivered with nervousness.

"Let him. He will only implicate himself and his post. What I don't understand from all of this is how he convinced you to marry him. Like you mentioned, he's a DCP. Why will he randomly decide to investigate your life like he has nothing important to do?"

"I don't know. He doesn't tell, but he has said he doesn't love me. I don't know why he married me."

"We will find out even if he doesn't let it out. Meanwhile, get ready. I'll send you some money. Use that for your transportation to the airport. Before you leave, drop by your dad's house. Explain everything to him. Tell him why you married, but about the video, say it is fake, and because you didn't want to ruin his reputation, you accepted to marry. His respect for you will increase, and he will also go to any length to make sure the man is suspended from his post."

"Are you sure? Is it that easy?"

"Yes, it is. I will get your room cleaned and also get the chefs to prepare your favourite meals."

Her face lit up as she smiled from excitement and nodded. "Fine. Till we meet."

On the other hand, Abhimanyu listened to their conversation, and after they ended the call, he sent her its recording.

"She's right in a way, sir. We conducted research about her without a complaint." His colleague, seated across from him in his office, spoke.

"She can't wash herself from this accusation. Let's not forget that every accusation is a confession. She gave us the confession from her phone call today. If she makes the mistake of trying to leave this state, you will go and arrest her. About the case, she will most certainly lose it." he stared ahead having an unrooted shed of rage on his face.

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