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Abhimanyu entered his office and was taken aback with surprise to see Anand, because he didn't expect he would go in and wait. He sat down, while Anand aggressively spoke.

"For many generations, no one from my family had been arrested in jail, but because of you, my daughter was brought."

"Please don't forget you are sick. Have water, and don't stress," he gently moved the jug and cup to his side for him to take, keeping in mind his health issues that restricted him from telling him his daughter had already confessed to being involved in everything.

"I will do anything in my power to get her out. I will give all my wealth, all my property, and all my assets to see that she leaves this hell." his raised tone persistently increased.

"Don't forget you have two daughters. Riddhima and Poonam. Sacrificing everything for one will be unjust to the other."

"So what?" a soft, female voice chipped in echo in the room from someone who had entered.

His gaze lifted towards the girl, who had donned a simple blue kurta with a white palazzo and then a long handbag hanging around her right shoulder. Her hair was effortlessly swinging as she walked towards Mr. Anand, who had gotten up when he saw her, and after she reached, they hugged each other tightly, deriving comfort from one another.

"How did you reach here so quickly? I warned Shraddha not to permit you to come home."

"Really? And you think I would stay in school when my sister has been arrested?" They pulled away, and she made him sit back while she crouched before him.

"Mother asked me to send you home. She said she asked you not to come, but you still came, ignoring your health."

"If I stay home, who will I trust to be my representative? Your sister is being accused of disgusting acts."

"That is why I came. She told me the police didn't let her go in your place, so I should come so that you can return to get some rest. Don't worry, my sister won't stay here for long. I promise you," she kissed his hand affectionately, which nourished him some relief, as he also agreed to return.

"Inform me about everything happening. Keep in touch with the lawyers, and make sure you come back only with her."

"Definitely, Dad," she conveyed with a brief smile until he left, where it instantly disappeared after she turned to face Abhimanyu as she stood on her feet.

"I wanted to see my sister, but they said only you could approve of it. Approve of it now!" She demanded angrily, gazing at him, while he simply replied,

"I don't give that kind of permission."

"They sent me here to you."

"My job doesn't include approving prison visits, Madam."

She didn't believe he couldn't do it. "You are lying to me."

"You're wasting your time in this office. I can't help you with anything, but yes, I can tell you where you can get permission. Your lawyer must submit an application in court, where, if approved, he can take it to the inspector."

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