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Poonam! A woman whose anger clouds her judgement. Whose anger transcends all boundaries and slowly turns to hate. She battles with serious anger issues but wouldn't admit it to herself. He silently watched her vent it out through her driving speed, as she was at the highest mph.

"If you're tired, we can switch," he said because she drove them all the way to Delhi, completing their long journey. They arrived there at 2:00 in the morning.

"Give me directions to your house. I've come this far. I will finish it," she breathed a long sigh, which calmed her down slowly, and her lips stretched to a smile of certainty. "I will soon finish you. I will destroy the tape and leave. The law doesn't work unless there's evidence, and you will lose it." She glanced at him with a spark of confidence that flashed from her eyes.

"I really wonder if you're very stupid. There is more than a copy. You will never know which tape is the original," he responded. "Take the next left from here," he added. She whirled the wheel to the left and said,

"If I don't find the tape, I will find you." She chuckled at the hidden meaning behind her statement, and he asked with curiosity.

"May I know how? You'll try to kill me, right?"

"Right or left?"


"Delhi isn't so lively. I mean, no one is awake. Compared to Mumbai, the night owls would be out now. People like me. We would be hanging with friends."

"We've arrived. I will open the door." He cut her short, suddenly remembering why he married her and all she took from him. That bore him back his anger. Like her too, he would never forget or forgive, so he won't rest until he has made her pay for her crimes.

 Like her too, he would never forget or forgive, so he won't rest until he has made her pay for her crimes

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Her face squeezed in dislike for the small house she had to live in from now on. After she drove in and parked at their small car pack, which only contains three cars, she went out. There was an old Hilux that suffered scratches there and a 2012 Honda. At her home, they only drove the latest cars. In fact, there were cars they'd never used but were still there just so that their huge car pack could be full, and each and every car was first-class. They renew their paints every month, and despite having so many cars they don't use, they still purchase another one that comes into the market.

She followed him inside. Her mouth couldn't hold her comment anymore, so she blurted, "I hope only us will live here because this house is just so small. I can't breathe if there will be others."


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